002desu's answer (9)

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1 dollar equals to 80+ units of money in my country. Now, are you asking me to pay for Lezhin comics using my tuition money? Cause that's what it sounds like to me. If I tried to read all comics that I read legally, selling both kidneys wouldn't be enough. And no, in the region I live, I don't get any ads/ quizs and stuff by which you can unlock ch......   3 reply
09 07,2021
NOPE You can never get too old for something you like doing   reply
02 01,2021
about question
06 07,2021
Sleep deprived, tall, not too fat not too slim   reply
06 07,2021
meanwhile here i am, not knowing what the "f slur" means :")   1 reply
22 12,2020
YES and NO I'm not a very social person, so my chances in a relationship are kinda low. With that being said, yes, I want certain things for example, to be loved by another person, to have someone to whom I can talk about anything. But the only relationship I've ever had left a lot of traumas and bad memories. That gets me thinking, maybe what I w......   2 reply
01 01,2021
Whatever colour I'd look good in is fine by me. I don't do favourite this favourite that anymore   reply
05 07,2021
Actually, my cg is kinda low, so I don't think I'm ever getting a job ;-;   reply
05 07,2021
about question
Not bad ig   1 reply
06 07,2021
Taller than me, not too fat not too thin, mature, knows how to keep a punny convo going, gets memes and stuff and not condescending and not a liar   reply
20 06,2021