crow's answer page 2 (61)

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crow 20 07,2024
i think this question is so funny cuz some ppl seem genuinely offended by this   1 reply
20 07,2024
about question
Nah lmfao   reply
03 05,2024
crow 26 11,2023
jst looked at their profile, they said: "i've been less active these past month/s because i am planning to move to a bigger place because i have adopted new pets. there's a lot of paperworks to do so i am quite busy. also i have to move my business so that's also additional paperwork. aside from that, i have been planning on taking another degree ......   reply
26 11,2023
about question
crow 20 08,2024
i’m actually surprised that not a lot of people know this app but it basically gives you a random location in your area. it’s usually something creepy or has something creepy in it. for example, a group of teenagers found a suitcase containing a dead body in it on a beach when using the randonautica app.   1 reply
20 08,2024
about question
Land of the Lustrous, Weak Hero, Dice, Ao no Flag and The God of Highschool. (special mention 10 years i loved you the most)   reply
11 08,2024
i agree with some points, many times people have a certain opinion on a story and whether be positive or negative they are still completely allowed to have one. often times though, the whole point of the plot circles around the thing they feel uncomfortable around and leave pretty crude comments regarding the thing they could avoid. now, idk abt......   1 reply
11 11,2023
i genuinely dont gaf abt your gender or sexual identity, race, weight, mental disorder etc i pick who i want to talk to and if i like you its based on if ur funny or not. also im not interested into anything you or me are not involved in. (world controversies) am i heartless? no, but yes i just am too caught up in my own things to care but if im ......   2 reply
11 11,2023
about question
so me and this girl were talking and we ended pretty badly and it’s actually my fault. and i said sorry but we still had a rocky relationship after, but tbh she’s mad fine and i want her so bad like it’s deadads not even funny but ik she actually hates me and blocked me on everything.   1 reply
18 06,2024
about question
yall wtf did this person do , if you dont like to read it anymore then thats fine. i hope you can find new interests to fulfill the old :D   reply
07 09,2023
crow 04 09,2023
3 teenagers sign up for a competition, months pass 1 loses sight in one eye, 1 loses an arm, and 1 has to create a fake identity. villain goes on a mission to kill the guy with a fake identity and ends up eating buddha to become god. guy with fake identity kills villain and becomes new god, he raises villains child and dates his sister.   5 reply
04 09,2023
This is a hard and interesting question. So I take it that you want to be noticed without doing anything, like you want to be special. Number 1, you have to have very distinct looks. You can take this as; you look so beautiful that it catches the eye of others, or you look so strange that it makes people remember you and your style. People tend t......   1 reply
30 08,2023
my lack of social embarrassment, sometimes i just do not gaf   reply
25 11,2023
about question
hmm, when my brother say "go tell your mom ___" or instead of saying just "mom" they say "your mom" like we share the same god damn mom, you just trynna be cool for no reason   1 reply
18 11,2023
about question
crow 03 09,2023
Well I understand that your stressed because you had to take on the role of the game dev AND covering up the other teammates, props to you thats a lot of weight you have to carry on your shoulders! But unless u have a deadline that you HAVE to meet, you should take your time. If you rush to complete things so much of the project will be messy and i......   reply
03 09,2023
um so this isnt read but ig this counts but i was forced to watch boku no pico in a sleepover with my middle school friends.   reply
26 11,2023
about question
crow 17 06,2024
bro i fumbled the bag on this girl so hard and now i have depression cuz i miss her   1 reply
17 06,2024
ima come back with an insane glow up bruh   reply
20 08,2024
crow 07 09,2023
I want to, but I can't. I always found questions that were answered by religion like: "How was the universe created? By God!" were so pointless and that it just happened, no divine interference happened. But right now I find myself trying to chase ideas that seem to be impossible, and I feel like if God was real and that if reincarnation or afterli......   1 reply
07 09,2023
about question
crow 14 08,2024
bro honestly i see these people more on the forum side of mgg rather than the comments of manga, with the exception of peepaw and aniyae because i haven’t seen them often   reply
14 08,2024