Stardust's answer page 58 (1167)

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Stardust 23 08,2023
This?   reply
23 08,2023
about cooking
I haven’t tasted half of the flavors you mentioned. Mine is coffee and blueberry   1 reply
24 11,2023
Stardust 24 11,2023
Ngl I love when I am on a porn site to watch porn and then an ad pops up of another porn video. And most of the time the ad is better than the video I clicked on. Only ad I don’t mind tbh (MRM is actually banned in my country and can't even access it through vpn so Idk what kind of ad that site gives)   reply
24 11,2023
about question
05 03,2024
Asian parents saying that if your right eye twitches then something good will happen and if your left eye twitches then something bad.   1 reply
16 05,2021
about question
Anyways I have a list to avoid these kind of trash. Please recommend me more shitty BL so I can add them in this list (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   reply
04 12,2023
How do you guys remember shit from your high school days? Everything is a blur to me. Even then nothing crazy happened to me my high school was pretty normal and I had a big friend group who I hung out with daily. Now that I think about it life was actually good back then because I had friends to hang out with   reply
18 02,2024
about question
Her songs are like therapy   1 reply
23 02,2024
Not much changed. My family became really toxic which affected me. I became more mature. I have figured out my sexuality. My family probably has an idea of me being a part of lgbt. I never wanted to get married but I am having second thoughts now.   reply
03 03,2021
8/17 This was hard   reply
07 05,2021
about question
I am definitely not complaining. I need more recommendations   1 reply
12 01,2024
about eat food
Stardust 27 04,2021   reply
27 04,2021
Do nothing because I am the the popular girl   1 reply
10 01,2021
Spirited Away 2ban-me no Alpha Killing Stalking Here U Are   reply
12 04,2021
about question
Stardust 03 05,2024
This thing is not accurate at all. Just for it for the funsies but don't take it seriously   reply
03 05,2024
Honestly not surprised lol.I don’t really see why you are apologizing though. You were just trolling and I thought everyone knew that? Also an advice,people are gonna hate you either way in this site if you say anything against fujoshis. My advice would be report and block them. It’s ok to seek for validation.   reply
25 01,2021
Old friend by Mitski   reply
02 03,2024