kraizeycherry's answer (11)

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I definitely don't like how they portray women in a lot of yaoi. I understand that it's BL but they don't have to treat all girls as if they are petty, superficial, conniving evil people. It kind of grates on my nerves. Also I hate the lack of consent in yaoi manga. It's so common to see a guy get the other one drunk and then rape him. Then he'll ......   2 reply
01 10,2016
Ah well I did a long time ago when I was 15 (I'm 20 now) and it really didn't go well at all. It was a cruel rejection followed by ridicule and teasing. It was definitely a very hurtful experience and despite 5 years having passed, it's not something I would probably ever do again.   reply
22 11,2016
If you can imagine, my first really detailed yaoi scenes were Sakira ( ̄∇ ̄"). I thought Junko and Nakamura Shunguku were explicit, so I was definitely in for quite the surprise xD I was like "Is this legit porno?? Why are their dicks so big? Why is he putting a VIBRATOR in there? No! I'm outta here," and closed the manga with a huge blush. I ......   2 reply
20 01,2017
My country is definitely fuckshit about it *Sigh*. It sucks actually, because I'm bisexual but I wouldn't even consider coming out because that would have disastrous results. I live in a country that depends heavily on culture and old customs, so everyone is very close minded about a lot of things. A lot of things that are okay in America or Canada......   reply
21 01,2017
19 yo, female, American Egyptian currently studying Pharmacy. I kinda got into yaoi by accident two years ago, and there's been no turning back since then ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
03 12,2016
Definitely Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai!! I feel like it would be a wonderful drama anime if adapted correctly.   reply
10 02,2017
Hello! My name is Heba, Female, 20, Egypt. I started reading manga in 2007 so I have read a lot of manga from every genre. I used to love Shounen and shoujo, but sadly I feel like I've outgrown both those genres. My favorite genres would be, Josei - if anyone can recommend any good ones, please do. Seinen?? Yaoi obviously - started two years ago a......   reply
07 05,2017
First of all I'd Panic. Then I would look for any incriminating evidence that could possibly explain the situation. After that I would proceed to jacking off, because I always wondered what it would be like to be a guy with a boner so that would be fun ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
08 04,2017
1. Uke (pass on that one. Or maybe I could be a power bottom...) 2. Gray Fullbuster from Fairytail (meh. I like him but we have very little in common.) 3. Squishy noises (that's okay I guess...?) 4. Yuri (this one is actually fitting) 5. The one who got rejected (sadly true, lol) 6. Yuri squad 7. Shower sex (nods in appreciation) 8. Taurus, Cancer,......   reply
22 04,2017
I don't think there's a setting where I could like gangbang, no matter how bias that sounds. To me it just seems too rape-y (especially since they are usually between a child and older men) and I don't see how that kind of scenario could ever end well realistically speaking. It would just open all the wrong doors for this person. Not to mention I a......   reply
05 12,2016
Apparently I'm an ISFP a.k.a [Adventurer Type]   reply
23 01,2017