Hwan Yoon's question (9)

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How tf do you guys wash down there?? Like do you have to put soap inside? does it stay clean? Does period blood just go away or do you need to wash the inside?? Is there like a special tool or something? This question has always been the bane of my existence because no one will answer it
28 05,2021
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Hwan Yoon
22 07,2021
Killing stalking is back on popular manga, been a while since I've seen that one
22 07,2021
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You know how books have the authors on the front? Do bibles just say "by god" because like the bible has many different versions now. Are they all technically written by god or is God like an inspiration for that version?? I just need to know if bibles have "by god" on them because I thought of a funny joke about it but I dont know if bibles have "by God" on them
10 06,2021
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I hear from some friends that American names are the absolute funniest thing ever, so I want to test this. Please give me the weirdest american names you know, so I can see if this is true. Thank you in advance for the laughs (ノ≧∇≦)ノ
03 07,2021
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Okay I want everyone to just put a experience of theirs that they thought was super annoying. Doesn't have to be personal. Or it can even be something you've heard people say online that bothers you a lot just share something that annoys you.

For me as a gay man I absolutely hate it when I'm in a relationship and someone asks me "who's the girlfriend in the relationship?" Like NEITHER- were both boys if one of us was meant to be the girlfriend we would just be bros that cant get a girlfriend and are now being delusional. (Or one would be trans in which case we'd both just be straight) It's really just an excuse to ask about my sex life. It's also just really sexist like why are girls always associated with being bottoms like so many girls are fucking badass tops

Pls provide a TW if your experience is triggering
02 06,2021
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Okay idk if this was just be but I think most children had a device of some sort mothers phone, long lost cousins Nokia something like that. I had my brothers tablet, and we didnt have the best internet connection so it would constantly lag. And I specifically remember like threatening the tablet in my head being like "if you dont stop lagging rn I'm gonna turn you off" and I was 100% convinced that this worked- just wanting to know if anybody else did this
01 07,2021
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I have been looking at things for maybe
25 minutes and so far I've seen topics such as: shrek porn, cat dick, turtle dick, a cry for help, someone making a body pillow out of their crushes appearance, and Donald duck yelling pussy. Wtf is wrong with you guys.
01 06,2021
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WARNING: This is a reminder about the sexual things on this website if you dont ready anything sexual on here move on or read idrc

Okay this is something I think needs to be said because it's getting really bad at the moment- erections DO NOT equal consent. Now in all honesty I dont care what you read for arousal, you could be reading a consensual loving couple who care much for each other and generally like to be slow and gentle or you could reading hyper penis shota rape while they are in public, I dont care. BUT people will sometimes argue on this website about things that are clearly rape not being rape because of an erection... that's not how it works just as getting wet or your nips getting hard having an erection does not equal consent. You can read whatever but please know that if you are reading something where the mc is clearly not enjoying themselves then say it is rape. Again read whatever you want just admit its rape if it is, I dont want to see yall on this website growing to be rapists because you think that a guy having an erection means you can go all out- (▰˘◡˘▰)
15 07,2021
about question
Hwan Yoon
22 05,2021
Okay uhm. So I'm a straight guy I think BUT I got into bl webtoons and things of that sort after reading some of the straight things on this site for a while. And I mean I like the bl WAY more then I ever liked the straight webtoons and now I have trouble reading the straight webtoons because every guy seems so shitty. And when I shared bl with some of my friends just recommending it to them because of the good plotlines, everyone kinda thought I was gay and questioned me for a while. And well now I'm kind of questioning it as well. I haven't felt anything for a girl and I'm not into anything straight anymore I find guys a lot more arousing then I do girls now and i just wanna know from some people if I'm still straight and it's just kind of like a phase of some sorts or if I'm actually gay, being gay kind of makes me scared not because I'm homophobic or anything but because I hang around a friend group that seems like they could be homophobic. I dont really know I just need to know if I'm gay or not.
22 05,2021