Joe K Thomas's answer (6)
I hate shaving but I'm too weak to fight society's pressure =/
05 02,2021
I just loooove Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai ! It's both funny and sad in the same time, and Yashiro is a very interesting character. Maybe he reminds me of some parts of my life (I'm not a yakuza member don't worry). He assumes his personality and sexuality and he has deep wounds he doesn't want to show to people though. Maybe he appears as a huge m......
08 09,2017
Well it's kinda weird but I like my toes cuz they're funny : I can move one at a time ^^ I hate my whole body, it feels disgusting. I can't bear seeing it in a mirror and sometimes I would like it to disappear lol. Last year I was having self harming behaviours but nowaday I try to get better. I think learning to accept one's own body is very impor......
2 reply
09 09,2017
Hey there !
I'm a 17 years old girl and I found out I was gay not long ago. I used to have sex with many older men when I was younger and honestly I hated it. So one day I decided to stop and realised I was attracted to girls.
My sisters and brothers know cuz I tell them everything about my life, but I have never gone and said "I'm gay" to others......
1 reply
14 03,2018
Wow... My brother has shown me Trigun (one of the best anime ever !) when I was 11, a long time ago ! And I have read my first manga, City Hunter, when I was older (omg I was completly in love with the main character !).
14 09,2016
Lmao absolutely not. On one knows even my closest friends
1 reply
15 01,2021