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Is Anybody else getting constantly redirected to Instagram
22 06,2021
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Currently having a one sided fight over a package that should have been here yesterday that is literally less than five hours away from me and doesn’t even have an estimated time of arrival - fuck f*dex basically
22 07,2021
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I just played it the other day and it’s been on my mind to say the least haha. I actually started crying during a certain birthday cake cutting scene.
18 11,2024
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where do you think you get your preference for sexual positions? Some people say they prefer being a bottom because it's more fulfilling emotionally- but I was wondering if it was like sexual preferences where you're just born that way lol- or do you think it's tied to what your type is
21 07,2021
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Mine is Joey (TheAnimeMan)- Used to like him back in the Einshine era-(yikes, also props to anybody who even remembers the punk) but now not so much
01 06,2021
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I personally find them entertaining for the most part, but I was wondering what the general consensus was, considering that some call-out posts (obviously not all, just a small majority) are a bit excessive and can lead to full-on assaults of hateful comments to that person which can technically be considered bullying- but you know all in good fun lol to be clear I don't think all call-out posts are like this at all.
06 07,2021
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I think it might be fun to rate/roast each other's tastes in manga. Just enter random numbers to go to people's homepages, (like in this example expect to replace the number signs with actual numbers)(https://www.mangago.me/home/people/#######/home/) but instead of leaving a message- rate their tastes. Might be a way to find something new to read as well!
14 06,2021
Hello~ this is my rant session because it feels like the world is crumbling around me while I stand on the edge and the universe prods me with a stick. My advisor never cleared me for course scheduling today is course registration and the classes I need are literally high in demand so there is almost no way I'm getting them-yaaayyyy I'm the biggest idiot in the world who never checked if their professor did their job!!!!
22 04,2021
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You find a manga that has a really good rating- looks like its got good art- the story is right up your alley, but

You check the tags and find...
28 04,2021
Fuck- I know I should just let it be (blackhead pimple thing) but I can't help it and now my upper lip looks nasty and I'm pissed- y'all ever just fuck up your face because of an impulse
12 07,2021
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Pretty sure this is just on desktop since the mobile version on my phone is working perfectly, but for some reason, the images for hyperlinks like my homepage and the thumbs up and down button aren't showing up.
15 06,2021
Screw the other alphabet personalities- tell me your blood type- I'm AB
22 02,2021
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23 06,2021
Give me the title of your most popular question that you've asked on here and link the discussion if you want- Thought this might be fun to hear from other people because of some of the very "colorful" questions that asked sometimes
23 06,2021
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I just watched Oldboy (the 2003 Korean version) definitely recommend btw
03 07,2021
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Y'all got any banger questions that you think didn't get enough attention? Drop their titles and links below- I know I got a few that I feel might be awkward to bring up myself so I wanted to make an opportunity where we can browse them here
28 06,2021
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Y'all ever seen those anorexia pages on Instagram? Once got a pic of a girl in a skirt on my discover, but then when I clicked on it- the description just had the most disturbing shit- the worst thing is when I reported the page Instagram came back to me and said nothing was wrong
04 06,2021
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13 07,2021
I know we're all really excited about the drama but did the results for the pair game some of us played yesterday come out yet- I forgot to follow the question and I can't find it under all the posts about miss Voldemort
13 07,2021
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Just tried to go on this site on my work’s WiFi and at first it wasn’t working come to find out it says it’s blocked by the administrator because of “nudity”
06 07,2021
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(Bonus points if it was some kind of kitchen utensil)
Just got into a ☆fight☆ with my ☆mom☆ had to run out the front outdoor like twice just to re-enter through the kitchen where she threw a spoon at me (p.s.- I don't need y'all telling me to call cps I'm not white, I can't afford the police showing up to my house rn)
21 07,2021
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Especially when they're main characters- But one that I've had to drop because of the main character is this https://www.mangago.me/read-manga/murcielago/ -- Now I know we all love our Yuri but the way she was sexualizing the 10-year-old made me mad uncomfy, also the incestuous threesome was kinda weird- Feel free to add your own least favorite pervert characters
13 06,2021