Simplyreader's answer (15)

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its always the good looking ones   reply
07 05,2021
about question
"Who do you think you are? You are a nobody" So what? "How dare you talk back to me?! " Because I know you exaggerate everything "If you talk like that to your brother again, I will throw you cat out! " He literally hurt my cat, and you did nothing about it. I'm a crybaby , I know.   reply
29 04,2021
I love cute couples~   reply
19 04,2021
i look so awesome here   reply
22 04,2021
personally, I hate romance (yes) & harem   reply
11 01,2021
I wanna look like her   reply
19 04,2021
My one and only childhood crush that i remember that taught me what having a crush feels like. From Kaitou Joker   reply
08 06,2021
Some memes in my phones that i haven't had the chance to use   1 reply
21 04,2021
Wow.... Ykw, imma make a male version of myself now   reply
11 06,2021
My masterpiece for today   reply
18 04,2021
It's not your fault ^^ I'm just tired... I've been holding on for too long, it's just a matter of time.. But please.... don't forget me k? So that I won't feel lonely anymore.. Good bye..   reply
03 06,2021
Imma need small wings that work properly and wont slow me down, an outfit that would be comfortable but looks good and of course beautiful red eyes   reply
19 04,2021
OMGOMGOMFG, he's sooo my type (*´﹃`*) Someone who's got similar fashion sense , takes care of his body, and so needy and clingy when we're alone AAAAAAH Ok, let's be real, I'll never meet someone like him, but there's nothing wrong with falling inlove with a fictional character, right?! Right?!   reply
10 07,2021