i'mgay_ashell's answer page 1 (63)

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i thought suddenly forgetting how to breathe and your heartbeat raising up was normal until last year i found it means you probably have anxiety or were feeling anxious , like my whole childhood it happened alot like i legit used to wake up out of breath and thought my body just forgot how to breath , i even had a full-fledged panic attack as a ch......   1 reply
10 06,2021
about question
somebody fill me up where the context gang at?   reply
12 07,2021
oooo that's alot of cum stains on the card board sangwoo i'm dippin'   reply
01 07,2021
"sorry mrs. smith seems like you're late on taxes time to go " sorry i don't have something cool to write   reply
29 05,2021
about be lgbtq
02 07,2021
most of my dreams are weird also they are so real that sometimes i wake up confused of what was real or not , for a solid minute when i wake up i'm confused. Also what do snakes and blood mean in dreams one time i had a dream that i was in white room all white with white clothes and there was a tank filled with bright red and blue snakes and very w......   2 reply
02 07,2021
it's working for me also i can't tell if this is a joke   1 reply
17 06,2021
about question
Pansexual but i'm questioning if i'm gay i dunno ψ(._. )>   reply
13 07,2021
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this is me rn   1 reply
13 07,2021
Their stars matched and their parent's told them to get married so they did .   1 reply
30 06,2021
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man go back to twitter or discord to make drama this is a manga website for fucks sake drama isn't needed here , people come here to read manga .   1 reply
08 07,2021
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rip it to shreds   reply
11 06,2021
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depression ain't fucking quirky mf have and happy dude instead   reply
03 07,2021
my eyes don't resemble that much ,tried my best but bitch all i need is a chest binder and lil bit of make up and imma look like this   reply
21 05,2021
Ψ( ̄∀ ̄)Ψ   reply
03 07,2021
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it's my mc skin but who wouldn't love obama   reply
25 05,2021
10 06,2021
i think they are asking for a gl with similar plot to both of them or kinda like those ?? idk   reply
10 06,2021
about question
cmon dude it's ...... pride month atleast shut up till then   reply
07 06,2021
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hehehe this is gonna be fun   reply
13 07,2021
just white noise with occasional blood   reply
05 07,2021
i'm behind you run   reply
03 07,2021