jolly grape pussay's question page 8 (156)

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1. some people are so rude towards the animation community like... I've seen ppl put down animatics that have repetitive frames for smooth animation?? do yall even know how hard it is to animate?? ppl fr put their hard work into their animatics and you're just gonna be like "ugghgsh i hate animatics the repetitive frames are annoying but awooga smooth animation"

2. ok so i just watched a video ab a poc who said he was cautious around white people for a good reason.... then in the comments people were like "but if you reverse the races and you get called racist" like okay first of all you sound dumb as fuck. second, everyone has a right to be cautious around everyone. thing with a lot of white ppl is they get scared of some little boy whos playing w a toy gun so

3. i honestly didnt know what stan culture was until i read a question ab it on here-
i thought stan just meant you liked someone a lot and i always just took it as a joke LMAO

anyway gn yll
05 12,2020
mom: you act rly depressed why dont you ever tell me anything so you can get help

me: ok i feel sad

mom: lmao ok anyway let your brother sleep in your room so i can go fuck my boyfriend <3
05 12,2020
give me book reccs please im sad
im just sad that i cant find any books and all my hobbies suck tho im fine
01 12,2020
idk if its because its 1am and I'm lowkey stupid but ive just got a question

i feel like in some mangas/animes, people will be like "hey why are the villains, fat, ugly, and gross? stop demonizing people who are overweight" or smth but like... when the villains are slightly attractive, yall go straight to them.(obviously not talking ab when the characters are made to seem as likeable characters)

idk if its cuz they're bad boys or smth but uhh whatever. also im not talking about chrollo or some other harmless villain,,, bc in all honesty i liked tamura from parasyte AND illumi from hxh soo yk

im talking about the ones who simp for hisoka, sangwoo, or any other obviously borderline insane antagonist. like its definitely ok to like his fighting style or like that he's handsome, i kinda get that(in the greed island arc i kinda liked that he was a teammate and sorta like a dad figure for gon and killua lol sorry) but the ones who excuse his actions towards what hes actually done towards gon and killua???

like even before the greed island dogdeball fight, hisoka literally looked at gon and killuas asses and yall will excuse the fuck outta that... the way ive seen 3 people this week say hisoka isnt a pedo is......unsatisfactory

uhhh dont mind me, i probably left something out cuz im tired as hell rn.... anyway gn yall
27 11,2020
about question
so are yall telling me its not common to read college books in kindergarten
26 06,2021
which unpopular fandom do ypu think would have a toxic/problematic fanbase if it was mainstream

ill go first; brothers conflict
25 04,2021
would it be considered bestiality if i said i wanted to fuck howl from howl's moving castle in his beast/bird monster form? just asking
27 11,2020
just looked at my grades and found out im barely passing. ts mostly just Cs, Ds, and Fs

ive been trying really hard but my deteriorating mental health isnt doing rly good lmao
ik my moms probably gonna yell at me. i dont think id be able to handle it lmao
15 12,2020
my PERSONAL thoughts are that a lot of yall forget sibling abuse exists bc ive seen ppl brag ab pulling knives on their vulnerable younger siblings and that shits wack asf
30 11,2020
what would you do if your kid cut their hair? i cut my hair a few days ago and it ended up in my mom yelling at me and junk

she keeps saying shit ab how im depressed and that im the problem cuz i wont tell her how i feel so i can get help but i literally did lmao
01 12,2020
like yesterday, one of my friends sent me a pic of their toaster oven(?) with their cat laying on the oven door whilst being really close to their food and.... that was extremely disgusting to me
like,, they have around 11 pets so im just wondering what even happens in their house..
but then i live in america while they live in asia so?? idk maybe its normal but it seems really unhygienic
23 12,2020
is it just me or do yall unconsciously call shanks dad too
16 02,2021
im kinda bored rn and this just seemed fun so

in the replies, put your name, age, gender, sexuality, hobbies, and type of person you'd want to date/be friends with and wait for a response :)

you can also put other interesting facts like your favorite manga, nationality, etc...
01 12,2020
if you wanna be added to a insta gc, put down your @
22 04,2021
im so tired of my mom calling me the r slur lmao

like once she knocked at the door and i looked through the window to see who it is and accidentally bumped my nose against it and when my mom walked in she called me r*tarded and i still cry a little while thinking ab it

everytime my mom gets mad at me or my siblings shes always like "you're being annoying" or "stop acting r*tarded/slow" and often "shut the fuck up"
19 12,2020
about question
like a month ago i said "scooby doo lore is underrated" and ppl acted like they didnt know wtf i said
also ik some of yall have those kpop reaction memes and they suck sometimes ngl
24 05,2021