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this happened a few months ago and idk why but im still mad ab it..
anyway, last year i made a really nice friend. and then that friend introduced me into their friends. i really did enjoy their company and talking to them but it turns out, i was just an annoying kid in their eyes :)
it all started when i tried talking to them but their responses would get super slow(yeah, thats normal cuz some people are busy right?) except it was summer, these people were continuously talking to other people and just ignoring me fully. it got to the point where i felt so lonely snd had no one to talk to and even if i asked them to atleast say hi to me or goodmorning back, theyd just ignore me. but i was a young, naive little child and still liked it whenever they gave me attention yk

anyway fast forward to june, i got another friend that i had so much in common with(we're still friends now) so i said "hey do you want matching pfps" and they said sure. i was so happy because with the friends above, they would never get matching pfps w me so i was extremely happy when they said yes. so me and my friend decided to get killing stalking sangwoo and bum pfps as a joke(bc said friend looks like bum). fucking 3 minutes after i changed my goddamn pfp i get a dm saying "what the fuck is wrong with you why do you have a sangwoo pfp". i thought this was a joke so i playfully responded but then i realized it wasnt and it only made them more mad. the conversation ended with the ex friend saying "get new friends" and me responding "why would you say that? you dont even know them" and the friend just laughing it off. about a week later, i still havent messaged the friend bc i thought itd be a good idea to just let him cool off and realize how dumb he sounded. yeeaah that didnt work

it went smth like "what genre do you think killing stalking is" and me going "horror/thriller". my memory is kinda hazy cuz this all happened half a year ago. anyway, we stopped talking, and one night i guess i unfollowed 2 of the friends?? idk i couldnt remember. the night after that one, i get a dm saying(it was super long so ill just shorten it) "hey, friend a and friend b told me you were a fudanshi and that you fetishized gay guys. they also told me you unfollowed them so i just wanted to tell you, you forgot one. you werent my friend any" which, that whole statement is a load of utter bullshit bc

#1 they assumed i fetishized gay ppl cuz i read yaoi? which is true but i read yuri too?? i read all types of romance they just didnt look into my background hard enough.

2: im bi? idk how an mlm is gonna fetishize themself but it makes sense cuz im hot lmao

3: OOOOH so when i gave you that roblox giftcard you begged me for, that i paid for with my own money, i wasnt your friend? mmm gotcha nice to know

N E WAY this whole situation was bizarre and very embarrassing to be in because i blocked the last girl cuz she was tryna start an argument with me and i wasnt up for it. girl is prob still gossiping with her bffs ab how i fetishize gay ppl or smth

but most of all, im more mad at the fact that the friend #1(who was the one who was ignoring me) unfriended my current best friend. its utter bullshit cuz she is the sweetest thing and they wrote a whole fucking essay on why she also fetishized gay people bc she had gay ocs or smth.. but the whole thing that triggered that was when my friend quoted her roommate saying a funny joke that had faggot in it and friend #1 getting fucking heated over it. me AND her roommate(who was gay btw) saw nothing wrong with it because she was bi with a strong lean towards girls and i have so many friends who are lesbians that say fag. when she was talking to me ab it, it broke my fucking heart cuz she was on the verge of tears over someone who didnt even deserve them..
22 11,2020
im bored as FUCK like ong so uhh
if any of you are good writers and/or artists(with confidence in your skills) id be down to work w you to make a story or smth.

I've been wanting to make an angsty story all year but my art is trash and im too tired all the time to make character sheets and junk all by myself(mostly bc the story ive been thinking of has like 8 recurring/main characters)

anyway hmu mamacitas and papi chulo and cita chulos idk
02 12,2020
hmu and/or drop your @ in the replies if you watch tales of arcadia

if there are enough of you imma add yall in a TOA gc where we can send shitposts and fanart 24/7

i will also send every sad TOA edit i can find and you will have no choice <3
06 12,2020
if you're bored take this test and put it in the replies. I wanna see if y'all are good
19 10,2020
i am so fucking HUNGRY rn and my family is so fucking poor and im a picky eater. whats something i can cook quickly with bread, flour, and/or sugar

no cuz im so fucking serious we dont even have hot dogs what is this
25 11,2020
in the spirit of Halloween I invite you to a Halloween Kast party to watch horror movies

Ik we're all sort of strangers to each other but who wants to do a halloween kast party? Also, for those of you who don't know, kast is a website/app for watch parties and stuff. With kast you can watch movies or tv shows(though for this one it'll only be movies) with other people while talking with them.

I know its a day early but I wanted to gather people before the actual day. But if you have any more questions or want to add any movies, I'll add some contact info. The date is October 31st @ 11:00PM (GMT-5).

In case you wanna show up early, Here's the Kast party lick:
Please know if you use any slurs or bully anyone, you will be immediately banned. And in case you need me to resend the link to you, you can message me on insta or discord and I'll respond as soon as possible!

insta: @__kaisson
discord: @_grzpe#1670

Also, sorry if this sounds dumb or something. i just thought it'd b
01 11,2020
about question
send your best porn pics. dont ask me to explain myself either cuz i wont
13 05,2021
hmu if you jokingly insult ppl to show your affection but they end up not liking you cuz you insult them too much bc i am the exact fucking same.

hop into my dms. maybe we'll fall in love, maybe we'll kick each other in the throat everytime we lock eyes. who knows
31 12,2020
about question
i remember reading types of stories. w ppl who couldnt do things other ppl could having this one thing that made them feel happier??

idk how to describe it but i remember this video where a voice actress(i think it was raven from teen titans but i cant rly remember) and she met this little girl who was autistic and couldnt speak and the first time her mother ever saw her speak that much was when she was talking ab how much she loved raven

and i was going through some comments ab diary of a wimpy kid books and there was this one comment that said they were dyslexic and couldnt read any other books except that series it was so sweet to me
12 06,2021
about lmao
jolly grape pussay 21 12,2020
im sad for no reason AGAIN idk why I ut i was literally just getting into the holiday spirit

anyway give me games or smth to obsess over(doesnt have to be games exactly) anything except genshin impact cuz i wanna play it super bad but every device i have cant download it
21 12,2020
what do yall think about high school manga that includes smut? and i'm not taking "i don't care, its just fiction" as an answer because for all i know, some pedo who actually enjoys watching boku no pico could use that as a defense and overall, that argument is really fucking stupid lmao

lately i've been noticing some people saying yaribu is child porn, and while i agree, people are just pointing out yaribu while ignoring all the other mangas that have underage sex. and im not talking about just bl manga, im talking about mlw and wlw too.
12 11,2020
i got a $25 gift card an i can buy anything/get anything delivered to my house. what should i get it
26 12,2020
about question
"Forcing western diversity standards on Japanese media is not the right way to try and diversify the medium."

mmm yeah i agree. i dont really feel like expanding on why but i wanna read yalls opinions on it
28 02,2021
aight so before i go to bed imma bless yall with this wonderful song that took me 4 months to find after i listened to it when i was 11 and randomly kept remembering throughout this year. and now i finally found it like 10 minutes ago so i'll happily share it with all my lovely, beautiful friends.

and just to add on to this, here is a song that has been stuck in my head for about 3 years so ill bless yall with this too

thank yall and goodnight, or goodmorning idk
11 11,2020
i was lurking around the internet a few days and saw a guy who said "trans men can be lesbians if they want that label" and like.... what.........
no not nonbinary ppl who are identify closer to men just.. trans men

and he kept saying that saying trans men cant be men was transphobic even tho he also said cis men cant be lesbians but trans men can like bruh that itself IS transphobia.

and then that mf went on to say saphho was a bi lesbian wtfahdnnf
04 06,2021
drop links to cheap-ish chromebook computers im lowkey desperate

i have $300-$400 so anything less than that is good
31 12,2020
about question
update on my love life rn:
me: if you gave me consent id literally make out with you
tp: the concept of making out seems kinda gross tho; i like forehead kisses better

anyway yall tp ACTUALLY broke up with me; we were married but they didnt like the way i expressed my affection so we divorced
29 11,2020
jolly grape pussay 09 12,2020
lowkey convinced that toxic mha fans started with sebaciel fics and never got out of the phase
09 12,2020
ok so im just talking ab this bc i keep seeing the topic and i need to see if ppl agree w me or im just stupid

so ive seen ppl saying "girls singing renai circulation look real stupid when the find out the anime that its from is ab a guy crushing on his sister" or something like that but??? does it even matter? its a good song and it just feels like ppl are just trying to ruin smth other ppl enjoy(specifically girls in this case, as usual).

ive looked up the english meaning of the song and havent seen anything that makes it inappropriate yet so like?? is it that wrong to enjoy the song? its not like ybc where the song is ab r/pe and stuff. its seems like just an innocent love song.
ik that its not smth getting worked up over but im just confused why ppl had to ruin the song
13 04,2021
about question
if you use ibis paint, please send your custom brushes.... i will kiss you i just love brushes sorry
15 01,2021