jolly grape pussay's question page 6 (156)

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about have sex
uhh this is kinda embarrassing to ask on here and i lowkey feel like this is just undermining actual sexual abuse so call me out if im wrong

so when i was about 8 and my sister was 10, she would kinda like,,, forcibly kiss me? like sometimes she'd pin me against the wall and start humping me(pls dont say "sweet home alabama" or something in the replies because writing this by itself is giving me bad memories and im looking for help). she kept forcing me to kiss her sometimes when i was trying to fall asleep even when i told her to stop. she'd also force me to watch porn together(it was out of interest at first but when i said i didnt want to watch it anymore, she still forced me to look at it).

and another incident was when i was with my aunt and my mom getting my hair done when i was, i think in 1st-3rd grade. my memories of this are really blurry but there was this guy who would keep touching me there and i didnt really know what was happening so i didnt do anything lol
nothing much happened but he put his hands on my stomach and touched my ass a little bit. i dint remember how old he was but his voice was kind of deep so im assuming he was atleast in 7th grade.

i mentioned this to my friend a few months ago and i guess i kind of thought it was normal? but then they said it was sexual abuse so i was just?? and its been on my mind ever since. uhh just tell me what yall think ab this cuz idk lmao
02 12,2020
the legend of korra spoilers btw

yes im crying bc of tlok. i just finished book one and if you watched it, youd probably know why. i dont know why im mourning over noatak and tarrloks death. but it was so painful for me. make fun of me if you want but still

i get that not everyone has happy endings but their life felt kind of similar to mine. like my mom is borderline abusive. my sibling is abusive but sometimes she's nice and protects me from our mother. and i think what hit me in the heart the most was how their death wasnt a murder or a fight. it was a suicide. and as someone whos had suicidal tendencies for years, it just sorta hurts

sorry this is stupid but i kept trying to watch book 2 of it but i kept remembering it
27 12,2020

11 01,2021
about question
im bored and tired so ill just put some info ab myself here, you can do the same if you want

im male, 13, a virgo, American, and a huge fan of romance comics
idk what else to say but my insta is @__kaisson
03 02,2021
about question
idk if its just me but ppl making lofis or pastel versions of suicide songs like "My R" or "Ruru Suicide Show Livestream" is highly disturbing. Like yall fr made a soft piano version of My R and spread it around tiktok,,, whether you knew if it was about it suicide or not, someone even making it is weird. And Ruru too.... she was a real human being. Not to mention she was 13 the time she died. And I've seen ppl making covers and selling it,,,, its kind of weird
28 02,2021
jolly grape pussay 17 12,2020
im making cookies again but i cant find my measuring cups cuz these bitches keep losing them idk how
whats a replacement for them cuz google isnt making sense and i cant read lol
17 12,2020
idk if this is just me but i get really weirded out when ppl overly sexualize ash.... like im pretty sure he was still 17 when he died?? but also ashs backstory just makes it weirder for ppl to say theyd fuck him or whatever
20 02,2021
about question
LIKE,,,,,,,, MORALLY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

but physically too bc my mom wont let our pit bull come in the house bc she says "dogs are gross animals" or whatevers but lets a cat come in whenever it pleases...

i asked if we could bring him in after we give him baths bc he gets super lonely when hes outside alone and is outside alone but she still said no and just yelled at me for no reason:/

anyway yall what can i do to convince my mom to let him stay inside once in a while
01 06,2021
recommend kdramas cuz im bored and anxious
07 02,2021
I wanna draw something but I can't think of anything lol
give me drawing ideas in the comments and I'll try and draw em. I'll most likely post them on my art account on insta so if you want the @ you can just ask
Anyway that's all
19 10,2020
it cant even do cartwheels :'(
06 12,2020
yesterday my mom was using an extension cord but it was like, up in mid-air and i didnt see it so i went to get smth from her and i tripped over it and it started sparking and electricity was popping out of it for a sec and i got so scared

sorry thats all its just been on my mind
06 03,2021
jolly grape pussay 30 04,2021
this is random but im actually kinda curious now cuz its been happening more often recently

does anyone have like.... random spurts of energy where they just HAVE to move?? bc sometimes i get them and my arms or hands will move and if try and not move them, the energy just gets?? built up and it feels sorta uncomfy
i tried googling but it wont give me a clear answer so im just asking other people
30 04,2021
i love dogs theyre so cute
i have 2 pitbulls, my moms bf found both of them
theyre in the backyard rn. i let the younger one off his leash and he sniffed the others butt. i think theyre friends now
i love dogs
27 06,2021
jolly grape pussay 24 12,2020
wouldnt it be fun if someone hosted holiday events on here? like not irl but like, online
ppl hop on discord and someone streams movies or smth idk lmao
24 12,2020
ive been trying to figure out whether or not im autistic since november and I STILL DONT KNOW
09 05,2021
scooby doo mystery inc lore is so underrated
11 04,2021
is it offensive to you when ppl say "did they stutter?" or smth like that? i remember looking at a post and in the comments, someone said that people should stop saying the phrase because it implies that stuttering makes things less clear(even though thats sorta true)
22 12,2020
Im trans. been identifying as trans since I was around 10 or 11. Im pretty sure im not a transtrender or anything bc ive been experiencing dysphoria since i was around 8 but now im not too sure...

Ok so, since i was young, id get mad and sad because people referred to me as female and id get extremely happy when i people confused me as a boy. Its still like that to be honest but sometimes i just think im faking it. Like any other transguy, i hate my chest and my curves and the downstair neighbor even though i dont look at it a lot. im sure i had what seemed like a panic attack once on my birthday when i wore actually fitting clothes for once in my life instead of my usual baggy clothes. even when my pants are too tight, i start getting suicidal and unable to even look at myself. I cant even look in the mirror while taking off my clothes nor can i look down.

Things that may or may not be unrelated:
1. Genitals in general disgust me. Either on or off of me.
2. Sometimes my perception of myself changes. One minute i'll think that i look masculine, the next androgynous, and 2 hours later, ill think i look feminine and not even look at myself for days haha

Anyway, the overall question is whether i'm actually trans or if im faking. You can ask questions in the replies if you're unsure about something and i'll respond as fast as I can.
21 10,2020
some of yall really do need support in your life and a lot of you dont have it, so ill be your support. if someone doesnt like you, you should know i do. and thatll never stop changing. it may not help much but just know im always thinking about you. hugs and love to you all <333
02 11,2020