jolly grape pussay's question page 5 (156)

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haha the title rhymed

anyway question for people with depression:
when you say depression is there ever a reason for your depression/triggers? like most of the time(not all the time) something happens and i get sad for a few hours and it'll never stop. and intrusive thoughts just amplify it and i get all suicidal or whatever lol
30 11,2020
jolly grape pussay 14 12,2020
a problem with this website is half of you are like "i wish all this hate and drama would get off here. i just wanna have fun again but everyones toxic now" and then the other half hates trolling questions... like i made a troll question as a joke so i would see responses and people were annoyed w it?? like sorry i was having some anonymous fun but you didnt need to call me a bitch lol
14 12,2020
can i have some good takes from yall? preferably moderately lengthy(as in a paragraph or 2) with a good amount of words that make you look smart? i just wanna practice speaking and a lot of yall are interesting
22 11,2020
i am so fucking tired rn ive been doing my best this past fucking week despite finding out ive been sexually assaulted twice in my life and ive been getting worse and worse

pls im in a car rn and im on the fucking verge of having a mental breakdown i cant fucking do this
08 12,2020
yall know any manga similar to chiku bingo or a dynamic like blue sky complex? or age gaps? legal ones of course
10 11,2020
jolly grape pussay 22 12,2020
recommend webtoons pls:)
and by webtoons i mean from Line Webtoons
they can be from Canvas or Originals idc lmao
22 12,2020
ngl imo

au where hisoka and gon are together but hisoka is like a father figure to gon

this concept has always been cute to me ever since i saw hisoka, gon, and killua working together in the dogdeball fight in the greed island arc

they would have the perfect relationship if hisoka wasnt so goddamn creepy but i can see hisoka kinda raising gon to be a good hunter

ok bye
01 12,2020
drop your favorite drawing programs and (optional) what you like ab them
23 12,2020
about question
ok so first things first: the ppl on this website are so fucking weird omg-
im halfway convinced some of yall have NEVER gone outside and had a face-to-face human interaction based on some of yalls actions...

SECOND: the reason i'm making this is to point out the weirdest aspects of this website "fandom". i've seen so many questions that peacefully put down their opinion, that's not even harmful and actually puts down some good points, whilst willing to PEACEFULLY debate, but god forbid its a question that's a little too "complex" for your brains to comprehend. Yall will not fucking hesitate to personally insult someone who DIDNT EVEN DO ANYTHING WRONG. this is just me saying this after observing this website for the past few years...

this part is less important you don't have to read... and even if you do, its just an opinion
Also, this is a different type of post, yall remember that girl who made a question about "have you ever wondered if your teacher is an uke or a seme" or something... yeah, we get it. we know she's terrible. she knows she's terrible. she probably regrets what she said and knows better now, especially after all that backlash but it has been at least 19 days. 1 9 d a y s. i feel like some of yall just needed someone to bash and took your anger out on her? its been half a month and its still the hottest question and gaining more responses.

anyway, all im asking is that if someone has a trash opinion that isn't harmful, why spread so much hate? i've made mistakes before. i know better now after being corrected. everyone has room to learn but saying "chile anyway so-" or "...anyway what do y'all want from the grocery store" isn't helping anyones case.
20 11,2020
someone i havent talked to in like a month that i met in a comment section just told me they liked me and im so confused
10 12,2020
realization that your parents s/o thinks said parent is a milf/dilf
05 07,2021
im creating a story and im still worldbuilding and i decided to write out one of the character but im kinda sad cuz yk

anyway bye im watching avatar
23 12,2020
im thinking i might be asexual cuz I've thought i was ace ever since i was 11 and im 13 now so??

most of the time, i just act horny around my friends cuz i think its funny but ig its kinda annoying how everyone assumes im allo? which is kinda weird of me since,, the average person is allo so yk

but im kinda scared i just might be too young to experience sexual attraction. maybe i just became numb to sex after watching porn 16 hours everyday when i was 8-11. now everytime i look at peoples naked bodies i lowkey get sick lmao
03 12,2020
when i was younger, i was always sad and shit and i thought it was like "this is a normal puberty thing hahaha" but then i just realised it was probably just depression(self diagnosed but i'm trying hard to actually talk to a professional)

anyway i have no idea why i thought attempting to kill yourself was a thing normal 11 year olds did
29 10,2020
im not sure if this is necessary or not but heres a pedophillia tw

Pedophiles have coined ANOTHER term so i just wanted to share this with yall. sorry if this is annoying or smth im just trying to spread awareness...

The definition of P.E.A.R. ,pro-expression, anti-repression,(that i found on urban dictionary so its a bit easier to understand):

A dogwhistle used by pedophiles which means "Pro-Expression, Anti-Reaction". This specific dogwhistle is used primarily by those who enjoy animated pedophilia such as shotacon, lolicon, and other various forms of animated pedophilia.
These same people will use manipulative, tu quoque tactics to shift the blame onto those against pedophilia. Calling them "antis". As if being against pedophilia is somehow a bad thing.

Also, people who identify as a pear will most likely put a pear emoji in their bio, most likely to be on twitter

Also, im kinda lazy rn so im not rereading over this, sorry if i leave out some details
24 11,2020
what do yall think of he/him lesbians using those pronouns for other than safety
08 02,2021
about question
reply your fav colors and whichever i like most is going to become my insta art acc aesthetic
21 02,2021
she likes homos, not me really frustrates me so i decide to write an essay on how i feel about it to try and gather my thought. anyway, its not for clout i just needed to extract some info from you beautiful test subjects.

if you've read She likes homos, Not me would you consider the discussion around it controversial? Do you think it was a good story overall? What is your main opinion on the story.
24 10,2020
so just a question
im just remembered that my dreams from when i was younger were mostly me being chased by things and having to hide. like i mean the majority of my dreams were ab me hiding from something. and there were no triggers to have a nightmare like that(like a scary movie or anything like that)

so before i try and go look into this im just wondering if its really even that big of a problem? what do yall think
01 03,2021
omg has anyone watched any of the tales of arcadia series? none of my friends do and i wanna talk ab it so much omg lol

ive watched trollhunters, 3below and up to ep 6 of wizards
drop your @ and if there's enough ppl ill add yall into a instagram gc
06 12,2020