Yonnie's question page 2 (34)

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So i was bored and wanted to do something. So i went to go watch shameless on Netflix and they were talking about christanmanigle.com hahahahaha. so i made an account on the site. here is the log in info DONT CHANGE THE PASSWORD.

[email protected]

do as you please. and also
13 05,2021
about sad times
So it has come to my attention that the most horniest mf on this site are collaborating on making a ff (fan fiction) all I know is the people doing it are....
Fruity loops
Frugal's Things
That's all I know of at the moment but yeah just to inform y'all it will be the most nastiest most dirtiest most horniest fan fiction you will ever see
22 04,2021
about question
so i was in the car changing stations on the radio and I came across this christian station and I kid you not these fuckers said "we need to go to India and help them change their ways of the evil false gods."

i wanted to scream my lungs out because that was the most stupidest shit I heard. how are you going to tell them what god they can and cannot serve. that shit really pissed me off and i had to share it with yall.

like who says shit like that and think its ok. like who cares if they don't "serve jesus" tbh i wouldn't wanna serve him either. and that goes against what the bible teaches.

i just fucking hate christans now cuz they are a bunch of hypocritical, disgusting, controlling people
14 06,2021
about question
Why the fuck is yo ass mad that I warned people bout tomorrow. Like mother fucker really had a whole fight wit my ass long ass paragraphs and all thinking I really gave a fuck about their opinion on this shit. Like dude making bets off of people getting r@p3d talking bout "if nobody get r@p3d dont be mad." Like what I wouldn't be mad I would be happy. Like mother fucker get the fuck outta here with that shit dude. Like dude is 19 fighting wit a lil ass girl like mother fucker if u don't get a fucking life and out of my face with that shit. And then u bring over the fact i simo for deku from mha. Like when the fuck was we talking bout anime. We are talking about people getting r@p3d. I'
I dont even be trying to get into fights wit people online but yo ass is really making me mad. Like come yo ass over to my block and say some shit like that. Yo ass won't. I dont know any of y'all but I want y'all yo be safe. fight me for that then. It may be a joke but y'all still got to be safe. You have to be safe any day but please be extra safe this day. And Cestelle get a life please praying that you do baby. Anyway fuck off and get left on seen u cunt as bitch.
24 04,2021
about lmao
Can we just talk about this for a minute. If u have the app tik tok or just watch it on YouTube you can see that a lot of people sexualize minors. Im talking about the anime community. On tik tok people like to post edits of anime characters this one girl posted this edit of bakugo to this sound that was like "he gives big d!ck energy". And everybody in the comments were saying stuff like "I know it is" "I want him to rail me" "I would give him a bj for free" stuff like that. Mind you he is 16. A minor. This other person posted a edit of killua to the sound streets by doja cat. And everyone in the comments said stop sexualizing him. But she wasnt she just posted a edit of him nothing wrong with it. Same thing happened with some haikyuu characters they posted a edit with the sound "what is something you might hurt yourself riding on? Oh lord you know what I'm thinkin" and everybody continued to sexualize them. Why is it different is it because killua is 12 (which he is actually 15 now) and they are 14-16. It shouldn't make a difference they all still are minors. This one girl called miya from sk8 the infinity cute and said she would date him and all the comments were "why are you sexualizing him". All she did was call him cute she was also 14 which miya is 13. It be the same people that sexualize bnha and haikyuu characters that want to tell people to stop sexualizing killua or other characters that are under 14. Another example. This person posted a edit with killua shirtless and guess what everyone said. " Why are you sexualizing him" when in the show he had his shirt off. It was in the show. They even reported the video and it got taken down. Also its not just tik tok. I'm done with this shit. its one thing to think "oh killua is cute" to "oh I want killua to fvck me" that goes over their head. Just because they like him doesnt mean they want to do the nasty with him. that goes with every minor not just killua. Just because bnha and haikyuu characters don't act kid like doesn't mean they aren't kids. This goes for every character that is a minor that they sexualize.
Sorry this was really long thank you for your time.
12 04,2021
about question
(sorry this is long) so i don't like being around my dad like at all. he found out i had a boyfriend he started calling me a slut, thot, whore and its really annoying.(wonder how he will react when he finds out i like girls too). he tells everyone my business and tells them i was talking about having sex with my boyfriend. which i never said i would. me and my boyfriend (ex boyfriend) didn't even talk about sex and if we did it was one time and like 3 sentences. he always calls me his baby and says ill always be his little girl. my birthday is Thursday and he called me on Sunday saying "even tho you are getting older you'll still be my baby girl you know that right." i wanted to say no cuz it made me uncomfortable and mad but i didn't have the balls so i said yes. my birthday party was Saturday but since my brother had a baseball game him and my dad wouldn't be able to come. so my dad made my mom change it to Friday and now half of the people that were coming aren't coming anymore. he always comes in my room never knocks and when he leaves he leaves with the door open. one time i closed the door behind him and he came barging in talking about "you don't got no damn privacy" then he took my phone and started going through it. im super uncomfortable around him and feel really suffocated. when i left my room to go get water he went in it took my remote and started watching the shit i was watching i came in and he wouldn't give me my remote. i had to fight him to get it back. he makes me change into pants when im wearing shorts and not even booty shorts biker shorts that are long and go down to my knees. he always says i have an attitude but i dont. if you know me or see me on here. u probably know i come off aggressive, bitchy, or angry. but that's just how i am even though im not trying to act that way.
18 05,2021
When i'm bored i watch a lot of videos that react to homophobic, transphobic people for some reason and their logic doesn't make any sense. especially with there are more than 2 genders debate. (which there is nothing to debate there is)

They always say "I go by science, science is always right" and then gets mad when someone says there are more than two genders and say its not true when real scientist have proven multiple times there are. And they also forget people can be born both sexes. They can be male and female.

Gender and Sex are two different things. I hope i'm saying this right if i'm not please correct me but gender is a fluid. Fluid is a form of gender identity or gender expression, rather than a sexual orientation.

and why is it so hard to just respect someone and they want you to call them by. Example Demi Lovato comes out as non binary. and people say they just want attention. baby their songs makes number one on the billboard why do they need attention.
25 05,2021
about question
Yonnie 20 04,2021
Let's stop talking about this shit we are here to read not to start fights about people doing it. Let's all agree to disagree. And if u say no I'm still going to fight take that shit somewhere else where people actually give a fuck. Yes it is a topic that needs to be talked about but not here. Thank you for ur fucking time
20 04,2021
I just found out these people made April 24th national r@p3 day and they said they were going out to r@pe everybody. I saw it on the news to. Here is some more info on it.
I hope y'all stay safe out there
23 04,2021
Yonnie 23 04,2021
Are y'all not tired of picrews yet. We've been doing them forever and no hate to people who do them hell I still do them. But that's all we do on this site is picrews. I hope this doesn't come off as if I'm complaining Im not I just want to know if I'm the only one that's feels like this
23 04,2021
about question
1. half of y'all don't even know why people are saying it so if you don't shut the fuck up.

i am so fucking tired of white people that speak over POC (people of color). Y'all don't understand our fucking struggle. y'all will never understand our fucking struggle unless u shut the fuck up and listen so we can tell you about our struggle. Y'all wanna say "well not all white people are bad" no fucking shit Sherlock. that's exactly like saying "i hate all men" and somebody says "well not all men" you don't think we fucking know that. Y'all tell us to forget about slavery, but then have the audacity to call us niggers or say "Its ok i said nigga instead of nigger" its the same fucking thing. I am tired of going to school everyday learning about slavery. Slavery slavery slavery. all we ever fucking learn is fucking slavery. what about pre slayer when black people were kings and queens. y'all would never know about that unless a black person tells you about it. When a black person says don't wear box braids and y'all say "its just hair" that's speaking over a black person. And honestly i don't care anymore because your hair will fall out. White people have done so much harm to black people. In slavery when a black man in the field didn't pick enough cotton he was either raped, whipped, or his fucking dick was cut off. but y'all wouldn't know about that either because they don't teach it. u probably wouldn't have even known unless a black person told you. y'all dress up trying to be like us but don't want our fucking struggle. we are still getting hanged for being black tortured killed. Asian Americans are getting killed just because they are fucking Asian. Y'all fuckers used to love to make fun of their eyes now to have there eyes is a fucking trend. our culture isn't a trend its not something u can fuck with and once you get tired of it or the trends over y'all go back to making fun of it. we are humans not your fucking toys. I do want equality for everyone. But we wont get that unless y'all shut the fuck up and listen.
09 05,2021
so f*cking ur mom and y i think its ok i think its ok because........

i am so sorry for that i just had to get y'all attention. anyway did anyone else have that phase when they were 5-8 years old searching up girls kissing on youtube? cuz out of no where i remembered i used to do that. i also remember i got caught a year later. also if you did go through that phase did you get caught? and if you didn't get caught when and how did you stop or did you never stop? i just wanna know if we had the same upbringing lol. anyway good bye and have a good rest of your day or goodnight.
20 04,2021
about lmao
So somebody brought this to my attention y'all remember the user Emily where in the hell did she go. She used to be here trolling people what happened to that. Like I lowkey miss her and then she disappeared like the last airbender and gon's dad. That was like 5 ass months ago. I'm just curious. Also what happened to all them trolls where did they go. At this point who gives af that they were trolling it was funny (some of them were) and entertaining.
21 04,2021
about question
Yonnie 04 05,2021
So since some of us is here to read or just like being here for some reason ima help y'all get some money. No scam. Y'all can use fiverr and do task for people like their homework or some shit like that and get $20 from it. Another one is earn cash rewards. All u got to do is listen to music and u get paid. And fetch rewards. All u need is receipts take a picture and u get coins u can exchange those for coupons gift cards etc. Now y'all don't have to switch to feet pics. Ur welcome.
04 05,2021