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about question
Yonnie 09 04,2021
So I am pansexual but I live in a christian family. My grandpa is a pastor and my family try to go to church every Sunday. I grew up in the church and grew up with being taught gay is wrong. I never heard my grandfather talk about gay people but since he is a pastor I feel he would say they are a sin. Going back to me I am pansexual or still trying to figure it out. I already told my best friend but to be honest I only told her cuz she is bisexual. Its not that I dont trust her its just I don't know how she would react. I want to tell all the people I'm close to but I dont know how. I want to tell my God sister who i known since birth but whenever I want to I just dont. I also want to tell people at my school but some of them are lowkey homophobic. This girl is bisexual and she tried to commit suicide because people would bully her for it same with my best friend she gets bullied for being bisexual. I want to express myself more and I wouldnt care what people think of me but im still scared. I want to tell my parents to but I can't. You know those type if people that aren't homophobic but are that's them. My mom has gay friends but doesn't like when I watch stuff like that. Example there is a gay couple on TV she'll make me stop watching the show. I think she isnt homophobic but doesn't want me to be that way I guess. My dad says the f slur everytime he sees something gay. I want to tell him he shouldn't do it because its not right but I'm pretty sure he won't listen to me. He also has gay friends but doesn't talk to them like that. It is very confusing. Anyway me and my parents already dont have a good relationship. My dad thinks there is something wrong with me and instead of trying to help me and sign me up for therapy he wants to put me in a psych ward. I already suffer from suicidal thoughts, depression and I think I have borderline personality disorders. I just dont know what to do. I really want to tell everybody but I'm scared. I feel like if I tell my friends they'll just say I'm doing it for attention knowing my situation but I'm not. I wanna now when is the right time. I also think my other friends that I'm really close to will be mad that I kept it from them this whole time. I just need advice please help.
09 04,2021
about question
Yonnie 10 06,2021
10 06,2021
Trans people are so valid and if you disagree welcome to my block list.
for all my trans mutuals on this site i just wanna say I love each and everyone of y'all. Words cannot describe how beautiful y'all are. I hope you guys have a good day correction i hope y'all have a wonderful life. To those trans people that feel you aren't valid........ bitch you are so fucking valid. It does not matter if you get bottom surgery cuz you will be valid either way. And if you do get bottom surgery period do you bitch. Cuz that's your body tf do what you wanna do. Fuck all these super straights and they super bullshit and walk on these hoes. cuz the fact they think they can even get with y'all fine asses is embarrassing. Fuck then transphobes they just mad they aint as cute as y'all. anyway peace and love
20 04,2021
this dude on tik tok said that you don't have to be gay to have gay sex. i'll try to find the link but it was really funny to me and half the dudes were in the comments agreeing with him and the other people were like if your gay just say that nobody cares. and when I was scrolling through his page and found out HE WAS GAY. so now i'm even more confused
14 06,2021
For some reason I remember this time I went to Myrtle beach in South Carolina this year for spring break. So me my cousin and god sister get in the water minding our own business and this white lady comes up to us and say "I have a mixed child but I didn't know black people do this type of stuff". My god sister my cousin and I look at each other like tf u just say to us. So we replied oh really yeah we do. So then my auntie comes up to us and that lady says it to her and my auntie burst out into laughter. A few minutes layer the lady teaches us how to ride a wave with our surf boards. She was nice just made us feel super uncomfortable
30 04,2021
about question
OK but like just imagine living while this is happening. Like I already know what I'm doing but what about y'all. My plan is to live with a small group close to a grocery store I already live by one so yay me ig. So what y'all doing?
10 04,2021
Yonnie 24 04,2021
Just to clarify its not a real day but stupid lil boys are trying to make it one. Yes we know people get r@p3 everyday but tomorrow a lot of people might be one of their victims. People are going to follow the stupid person who made this thing just like people followed that dude who made super straight. This world is disgusting and filled with a lot of disgusting people so dont be mad that we are telling y'all to be safe. Yes u should be safe everyday but you should be safe defiantly tomorrow. Please everybody be safe. Please tell people about this.
24 04,2021
This is long but just stay with me

Bts should've one that Grammy and i don't even listen to bts like that.

Demon slayer was good and the people that shit on it are just mad that it has good animation and good plot.

Y'all over reacted on the fan service in fire force. The only fan service that was in there was mainly from that cat girl. "I dropped it because of the fan service there is to much" shut the fuck up ur doing to much

My hero is good its just the girls in the show are not well written and half of them are just there for fan service.

Killing stalking wasn't that bad y'all made it sound way worst then it was.

The main reason some of us is still reading yours to claim is just for Cain.

The people that tell other people to stop sexualizing killua sexualize mha and haikyuu characters change my mind.

Fruity loops is a very problematic person but she has my full respect for saying shit not caring what other people think. Some of the shit she says I dont agree with like her saying slurs an other shit but got to give her props

Y'all overused the word cp by using it when it shouldn't be used or just using it wrong

If u don't know what something means dont use it like bussin or musty "my coat is bussin" eat it then u can't so therefore its not bussin "that girl musty" how how just because she doesn't like u. like y'all just be embarrassing yourselves when u do this.

If u shame women just because they wear tampons or pads your wrong for that. U shouldn't shame them they are used for the same thing one isnt better than the other. (Also I recommended period panties for those who dont like tampons. they are really good u can get them on amazon)

No I do not I want to make this clear I do not support ybc but it is not a cp.

Y'all love to cancel a lot of bl/gl but never any sl that has the same elements. Y'all will try to cancel a bl just because the people are 16-18 fucking but won't cancel any sl that has kids fucking to like horimiya stuff like horimiya and hentai. Y'all honestly are just hypocrites

If y'all dont like something dont tell someone who does like it to die. Like u gotta be pretty fucked up just to tell someone to die just because they like something like painter of the night

The head canon of Sero from mha being Hispanic was ruined when people said he was Hispanic because he sells drugs and works for the Latin kings. Y'all are so wrong for saying that just because we think he is Hispanic. Just because ur Hispanic doesn't mean u sell drugs or work for the Latin kings what is wrong with y'all.

If ur not black dont say the n word there is also no such thing as a n word pass some fuckers this just made that shit up. If ur not apart of the LGBTQ+ dont say the f slur. etc.

This isnt an opinion a question. How the fuck do y'all be getting clout from an illegal website I swear to fucking god if Yujin shared their Instagram account (I dont know if they have one) y'all fuckers would instantly follow they ass.

These opinions of mine can change expect for the first on and the one about the n word and f slur.
If y'all want to try to change my mind on some of these go for it I'm open to changing my opinion.
05 05,2021
about question
TW: suicide, abuse, mental illness.

Yami Kawaii is a “sick-cute” aesthetic that has been bubbling out of Tokyo's streets and manifests through accessories such as fake guns, syringes, gas masks, pills, bandages and plasters.

It's basically a trend/aesthetic that puts cute/kawaii sweet stuff over things like mental illness and self harm. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Wsk3Oa_3F8

I have seen that this trend/aesthetic has become a really big thing in Tokyo, Japan, knowing Japan is very taboo on the topics of mental illness, depression, self harm,etc. and when it does talk about it its mostly through upbeat, cute things.

I have noticed this trend/aesthetic through the songs and artist i listen too. Like Moe Shop, Melanie Martinez (which she is more of traumacore than yami kawaii), etc.

Example: Moe shop's song, Notice (w/ TORIENA). Which is this upbeat cute song you would dance to. But when you look up the lyrics its about a girl who is thinking about killing herself because her senpai is dating someone else.

Example 2: Melanie Martinez's song, Mad Hatter. When you listen to the song you don't really think anything of it. But then you watch the music video or look up the meaning of the lyrics. But honestly i pretty sure its more traumacore than yami kawaii

The difference between the two is traumacore focuses more on mental, physical, sexual, emotional, and spiritual abuse and it often draws heavily on childlike and angelic themes, done so as a means to try and reclaim innocence. While Yami Kawaii revolves around not only medical but also dark themes related to mental health.



12 05,2021
OK I'm supposed to be sleep but I can't because I'm to scared. Stuff around my room has gon missing and I can't find them. I also hear weird noises in my attic. The worst part is its in my room THE ATTIC IS IN MY ROOM. I'm scared somebody is watching me in my sleep. Its either someone living in my attic or hear me out I attracted a fairy. Yes a fairy. I'm not into all that spiritual stuff but I've been seeing it on my for you page on tik tok a lot so imma try to open my third eye to see if I did. Honestly I think it would be better if someone living in my house cuz fairies are known to steal your soul (you think I'm crazy now don't you....yeah I sound crazy) anyway wish me luck.
12 04,2021
I know you guys are probably tired of it but it pisses me off so much. So I was on tik tok and there is this anime edit trend going around were you post edits of different color anime characters. Example: yellow haired anime characters. In the video it will mainly be boy characters so yeah. So somebody posted the edit and it was of white haired anime characters. This person added killua and Norman. U could guess what the comments were saying. "Why are you sexualizing them? Ur weird for sexualizing them." Blah blah blah and so on. Norman is 15 now and killua is 14-15. The problem was todoroki and inumaki was in there to and they are also minors. Just some fvcking hypocrites. It makes me really mad at the thought people do this. I bet you they dont even talk about sexualizing minors in real life. Anyway back to the edit the people started sending death threats to the person and telling them to kill themselves which is just so disgusting. She wasn't sexualizing them she just posted a edit of them.
13 04,2021
I was going to come out to my brother but then I found out he is on of "the boyzz" and is kinda transphobic and homophobic so anyway what do y'all think of Lord Seungho character development or painter of the knight in general
12 04,2021
about question
Yonnie 20 05,2021
20 05,2021
saw somebody talk about who are you in a horror movie so i found a quiz to take. i got killer for some reason
20 04,2021
So me and my god sister was just in the front room and I was watching TV she was on her phone. She looked at me and asked me the most dumbest question someone could ask. She asked me "are trans people trans because they want to date the gender they are born with?" ..... What... What. She looked me in my face with the most serious face ever. She was like "If they were born a girl and they like girls they make themselves boys to get with them." Then she said just answer the question so I said "they probably just know they are trans at a young age I don't know if that's right but I defiantly know what u said wasn't right." I think she asked that cuz I was watching Samantha Lux on YouTube and she is a trans woman. So I go to a video of Samantha talking about super straight and she said "ur transphobic if u say trans women aren't real women" and my god sister looks up from her phone and say "they aren't tho" I wanted to smack her ass in the face I just stopped talking to her for the rest of the day after that.
04 05,2021
about question
so i'm on a volleyball team and majority of the people on the team suck. like really really suck. half of them don't even know how to serve.

so recently we had a game and we lost. mind you this is our first game and we still aren't all the way comfortable with each other. we won our second game though (we had two games that day) so before our second game this girl we're going to call her M.

So M is like "omg all of yall suck i wish i was on the other team"

M is one of the girls that doesn't even play good. like she's really trash and doesn't call the fucking ball. so when she goes for it she gets mad when other people go for it too. like that's why you call the fucking ball.

so my friend is like "don't say that it was our first game we'll get em' next game"

M said "I don't care yall is trash so i'm going over to there team"

so i say "bitch your the reason we lost. you can't play for shit and when did we say we even wanted you on our team. also the other team probably wouldn't want you either. so sit the fuck down and humble yourself. bitch"

everybody was really shocked and some people started laughing. she looked like she was going to cry and i regretted saying it because i used to be trash like her and mess up all the time. but she really was getting on my nerves
15 06,2021
about question
Yonnie 21 04,2021
So me and my dad was watching TV and I asked him if I could watch anime. He said "I dont want to watch that narudo hentai stuff" I looked at him and was like what the fuck did u just say anyway I ignored him cuz I could have heard him wrong. So like 3 months later I was watching the anime gansta (good show u should watch it) he came in the room and asked me what is hentai I laughed and changed the subject. I'm afraid he is going to ask again and get mad if I answer and I know what that is. If he looks it up he will be mad if I tell him he will be mad either way I'm getting my ass whooped.
21 04,2021
So here is the tea.
We found out recently Fruity Loops might be the user
erectile dysfunction's Things
Yujin is still trying to figure it out tho. They also have some evidence Fruity loops might be
erectile dysfunction's Things
22 04,2021
Yonnie 21 04,2021
Do you guys know Oli London? If u dont he is this dude that gets plastic surgery to look like jimin from bts. He also tries to look Korean and mocks Korean culture. He uses Google translate too and then says he can speak Korean. I just saw him on my tik tok and he dueted a Korean person that was mimicking him on how he speaks Korean and he CORRECTED her on how she was saying it. How r you going to correct a person that actually speaks Korean. Anyway I just found out he is trying to look like Felix (hyunjin) from stray kids lmao.
21 04,2021
about question
POV (point of view) There is a gun to your head and the shooter says "what's the difference between affect and effect if you get it right you live".

Delete my search history cuz ion making it
25 05,2021