Ok, as a mlm, I don't care if girls read yaoi. It's not a big deal, but it is a big deal when you bring your fetish to real life. You can get off to anime boys, idgaf, but you can't get off to real gay men. And the fact you called the bottom the "uke" just shows how you genuinley see my sexuality as your fucking fetish. Uke and seme are yaoi terms ...... reply
Disclaimer: I am a bi male, so I know from experience. There are many ways to prepare. You can not eat for a bit before hand, use tools that help clean it, or just clean it yourself. It's actually better just to gently wash the outside in the shower with soap, the top will be wearing a condom anyway. it doesn't have to be 100% clean, cause thats ha...... reply
i found this site on my own and PRIVATLEY reccomended it to my friends.I was just looking for a place to read killing stalking and got sucked in. This is an illegal site, if it gets taken down we are done for. 2 reply
I'm Leon, 27, male, mixed (dad is black and mom is white), I am the manager of a resturaunt, and im bisexual. I also have a degree in psychology, which is why I enjoy psychological yaoi the most. oh, I also go by he/him, im a cis man.
I'm the main owner of this account, but i have a friend who reads yuri on here sometimes cause she is too lazy to...... reply
I made a mangaowl account and read a 35 chapter mangaa in 2 hours- I hadn't been on mangago in a week cause i wasnt in the mood to read yaoi, but as soon as I was, the site was down, which sucked- I also downloaded 2 dating simulators BHSIDKNA reply