mirakaaii's question (9)

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(TW: sensitive topics) -
listen, i know this is an illegal site and this is kinda expected but can ya'll chill with your questions, answers and things. sometimes i'm just trying to enjoy myself and read here then all of a sudden questions beside my page pop up with things about suicide, cutting, rape, etc.. can you guys chill? like... i almost got a trigger because someone on here mentioned specifically how they sl!t their wrist. fuck, i know ya'll want to vent out your problems but atleast put a TW. my stomach was turning inside out, i wanted to vomit and cry because i've been trying so hard to avoid cutting again then all of a sudden people bring up their experience with cutting..
14 02,2021
personal opinion: the manhwa "sadistic beauty" is so toxic but people look over the toxic parts because they like the femdom + BDSM sex scenes. the MC sucks. she raped one of the love interests because they were vulnerable and in an unstable condition, MC practically forced her lesbian friend to have sex with a man... i didnt even finish it but i know there's even more that i'd hate about it. one of the whole points of BDSM is CONSENT. yall suddenly just excused the part of her raping someone because she's a woman and because 'it's hot'...
-- most popular eroticas are toxic.
11 04,2021
the most 'romantic' thing i've done was let her lay her head down on my lap while i played with her hair during PE class. i was scared in that moment because of what other people would've thought of us since we were both girls but i rarely got any homophobic response when i was doing something intimate with her. we held hands and hugged a lot but it was like with her it felt like nothing else mattered yk? i thought that was just a saying in cheesy romances but i finally experienced it uhh, but we broke up...laughs awkwardly LMFAOOO bye
14 02,2021
its been like a year since we broke up and we're still friends but i dont know if i miss her or just miss the feeling of being in a good relationship tbh. she likes another girl now though so i cant even say anything, we were also very toxic but we loved each other a lot. i probably shouldnt miss the relationship but i havent been able to like anyone since we broke up.
14 02,2021
do you guys know any similar shoujai ai's or yuri's like "handsome girl and sheltered girl" & "i favor the villainess"? i want to read lesbian mangas that dont revolve around lesbian sex and pleasure.
14 02,2021
mine are gender benders. specifically the ones where the MC is disguised/transformed into the opposite gender and the love interest is also the opposite gender. i hate those so much because in the end it's just a straight romance that's queer baiting.
28 02,2021
just because a couple isn’t hetero doesn't mean that people who read the story are fetishizing homosexuals. even if a gay or lesbian story includes smut or sex, it isn't 'fetishization' to read it. Fetishizing a sexual orientation is different from watching/reading smut.. if you compare real gay/lesbian people to the term "yaoi"/"yuri" or if someone sexualizes sexual orientation(s) then THAT is fetishization. an opposite gender reading gay erotica or lesbian erotica is no different from anyone reading straight erotica. In a way saying "reading lgbtq smut as a heterosexual is fetishization" really sounds somewhat like you're comparing and neglecting lgbtq+ representation. same with gay or lesbian porn, do you feel the same way if [lesbian] non-binary person gets turned on by "yaoi"? or if a [gay] non-binary person gets turned on by "yuri"? ..porn is porn. no one's "sexualizing" anyones sexual orientation, (some) people can get turned on by whatever. i can see how you find an opposite gender/sex reading LGBTQ smut uncomfortable but don't speak up for the whole community because in a way, it is LGBTQ representation. if a person ACTUALLY fetishizes and makes "yaoi" their whole personality then of course, that's not wanted representation and we as a community can all [insult/] educate them.
13 04,2021
im pretty bored so lets try something i made up for people who want manga/manhwa suggestions!
how it works: a person will reply with 2-4 initials then someone will reply with a manga/manhwa suggestion (or a guess) that have those 2-4 starting initials;

example: ↴
person 1: S.X.F.
person 2: *comment reply* "Spy X Family" is a cute family-action manga.
person 1: H.G.A.S.
person 2: *comment reply* "Handsome Girl And Sheltered Girl" is a cute lesbian romance manga!

have fun if anyone replies<3
13 04,2021
about crying
i did not go through years of racism for the color of my skin and my curly hair just to be called white. i hated my skin color as a child and i still hate having curly hair because of racism but when i finally accepted who and where i was from, tons of strangers online called me white? i just don't think its fair at all... ya'll even excluded most Hispanics from being able to call themselves a POC. people learned Hispanic/Latino wasn't a race and ran with it. i know i cant turn Latinx/Hispanic into a race but if someone asks for my 'race' i will not say i'm white. i don't have anything against white people but as a Latina with years of trauma connected to racism and sexism about my ethnicity, i really hate being perceived as american/white because it makes me feel left out and lost since i finally feel connected to my culture. this just makes me so upset, especially with all the equality movements going around
13 04,2021