Iamcute's answer page 1 (24)
My father knows HAHAHAH
I was like It's a love story U know.
1 reply
14 05,2021
For get it. It's a picture of myself.
┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌
23 05,2021
Mythology (from Egyptian to Norse to Roman to Vedas to Greek) and then followed by a very long creepy pasta phase where i just deleted the app last 2019 and now im questioning the whole existence itself (idk if this us a phase)
22 07,2021
tis me just go with the flow happy go lucky and has an obsession on gold red and black. I also has pink eye right now to explain that red eyes in this character hehe
17 03,2021
her face says "Oh another bitch"
10 05,2021
oppinionated second child of an Earl.
1 reply
21 02,2021
this version of me screamed bottom energy ⟵(๑¯◡¯๑)
04 05,2021
My father almost killed Me. Back when I was kid. My father got so mad at me seething of infuriation becaue of something I've done I couldn't remember that he almost killed me. He whip me with an electrical wire a couple of times and then he bring me into the kitchen get a pail of water and dunk my head their. I couldn't breathe properly from the st......
27 05,2021
Is the support equals to monetary Gain? If yes I like to be overrated but still RICH! MONEY MONEY MONEY! HAHHAHA
14 05,2021
I did made what my exact description is. Has wavy hair and curtain bangs. Tan skin cause I live near the equator, Glasses cause I'm damn blind. I have two moles one is at my eye like in here.→and another is at my upper lips not lower like this and it is parallel to my eye mole. Over all I did follow everything but I don't look like this cause the......
1 reply
11 05,2021
this is me but my moles were located near the inner corner of my eye not the outer. And the other mole should be at the top of my upper lip symmetrical to where my eye mole is. This is my usual get up in school and yes I have bad eyesight.(◍•ᴗ•◍)
29 04,2021
She's Vega the fallen
She's Saga the eternity
13 03,2021
Thisjust proves that I'm not the only one.
23 05,2021
Bruh I procrastinate A LOT I also don't pass projects that I don't deem important but damn babe yours was some shit going on. What are u doin the whole time and babe does you never have that feeling when you know there's deadline but still not doing the task? If you don't damn what type of brain you have I wanted that, To be never be bothered till ......
18 05,2021
Idk. I just mix everything up like the way god created the world is through big bang and then the seven days as the creation as the evolution like no one can say what's the seven days on God's time is and anything was just backing up Bible by science.
30 01,2021
【#10264773】idk when but i just saw a frog picture back then, then immediately saved a whole lot of their pics
16 01,2021
I don't know. But what Im sure is I'll kill myself. I never asked to be born and the n suddenly I'm reincarnated? No man, I'm not going to live again.┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌
1 reply
13 05,2021
I'm at forest's nearby river with some tunnel bridge ahead then i heard a rumble and it started to flood with sweets, like candies chocolates etc., and then i was swept up by the flood and entered the tunnel bridge it isn't dark tunnel it wa full of shiny stones inside and then when I'm the end of the tunnel I'm suddenly at a cliff and a damn sea b......
1 reply
09 12,2020
If I can relate this to Trans gendered people, Yes you might not be gay, cause they're literally woman im mans' body. But if they really are just men who just wears women's clothes for fun or their comfortable with wearing it just for a small period of time and you go to the internet and searched any doujinshi there is. Uh you might be gay and has ......
27 05,2021