Kughz's answer page 1 (66)
No cause imagine being a minority and racist okie acc pick a struggle
14 06,2021
Christians acc colonised half the world bloody crusaders
1 reply
14 06,2021
Some yaoi’s have really good storylines but get ruined cause the author adds hella seggsy scenes instead which is quite sad but I still read them anyways♀️♀️♀️♀️
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04 06,2021
The whole idea of having a preferred race to date is lowkey weird asf aswell.
04 06,2021
I had to do a little research cause I’ve never heard of these pronouns before but this was quite helpful
2 reply
12 05,2021
Ummm tf is this shit like can I fucking live in peace
10 06,2021
A guy became a servant for this royal guy and then the royal guy r@ped him for like half the manga and in the end they fell in love Character development was non-existent
6 reply
13 06,2021
It’s annoying when c00ns say it’s just hair like you can fr be suspended from school over a hairstyle but anyways “I wish I will born as a black in another life” was kinda sus
1 reply
23 05,2021
The voice actor of Mickey Mouse got married to the voice actress of Minnie mouse
1 reply
31 05,2021
I saw smn talking about a bottom asmr experience so I went on YouTube and watched one and my entire soul was cringed tf out but now I just find it funny
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29 05,2021
It’s a little too much stress now cause even if u search chapter on google and look for uploads they r mostly deleted so Ima just have to try and save up because I literally have no choice
16 07,2021
I love how there’s 20 ppl following this question rn but no accounts
1 reply
21 06,2021
I understand getting hit with a hand or the occasional wooden spoon but from what I’m reading other ppl say some of yall were actually abused by your parents
13 06,2021
Yk their homophobic when there’s a disclaimer
01 06,2021
I thought I was bi when I was younger but I realised it was just curiosity because now I have no sexual or romantic attraction towards females, like I can find people pretty but acc having feelings for them is different idk
22 05,2021
Out of where tho…cause if u say Ass
04 07,2021
Royal Servant.... like wtf was that ending. There wasn’t even any character development not like that would’ve even fixed it
15 05,2021