Sapphirus's question (11)

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You, yes you beautiful human. I'm so grateful you do what you do even if it takes months and I'm also going to say this rn. You know who you are. I fucking love you. The memes you leave at the end of the chapter is appreciated I live for them and I'm thankful someone as funny as you bestowed them Upon us. Thank fam just do you know I really appreciate u.
02 12,2020
As a little girl, I was young and didn't know much about the lgbtq+. I wasn't until after I found girl in red that I realized I liked the idea of girls more than boys. And it was a realization to me that I would be the happiest woman alive marrying another woman in the future. Up until that point I thought that I would grow up to marry a man I didn't know that the world was so much bigger than I had seen. After that I didn't really study about the rest of the lgbtq+ because I was content knowing that it was okay for me to like women. However now that I'm older I find it so important to be informed. I have studied about the lgbtq+ and informed myself about lesbians, gays, bisexuals, trans, queers, asexuals, gender fluids, and how to be respectful of them. recently I've been confused on how to call out to a gender fluid person. And I took the time to studying on how to be respectful and call out to them. I realized that you can use the word mx. Calling out to the they/thems And this has changed my life. I'm so glad that I informed myself on this. And I hope that when you can take from this is to learn to inform yourself to be respectful to everyone..... that isn't a disrespectful bitch without manners. Have a good day (✿^‿^).
24 01,2021
Ml proceeds to take jacket, sweater, hoodie, coat or anything thing else and wraps it around the main character.

Wtf, no. Bitch they are not going to catch a fucking cold . 1 it's not raining. 2 it's not snowing. 3 it's not even winter or fall. 4 it's really not cold. 5 they have a fucking immune system how are they gonna get a damn cold for being out side at night with out a sweater if some sort for just like 5 minutes to an hour. Bitch there are people going out in tank tops and booty shorts in the snow and not getting sick. I mean now that's something to give you a cold and frost bite too but not a fucking breeze if fresh cool air. They needs stop. Stop it. No one is gonna get a cold and they didn't even ask for your sweater anyway damn.

If you read this far thank you for tolorating my little vent about the whole "your gonna catch a cold" trop how about you tell me a trop that's utterly annoying to you? I'll makes sure to go through them all cause I'm a bored person.
27 11,2020
i know that some of you have been a depressed peep lately so i wanted to ask you if it was okay for this kohai here can write you a daily love letter to all you senpai's if you want one just say so i will do two a day at max, i hope all you lovingly darling senpais have a good day. From your unknown kohai...... not a prank and not a yandere btw i don't think i have the confidence or energy for that. by uwu love yas
12 10,2020
about lmao
What is a song that heaves you into emotion? what song put you in such a state? A state where your just either happy or sad ect. Just a song that has a lot of meaning to you.
01 11,2020
about help me
17 10,2020
i like posting the disgust memes every time there's a a mrm link or just that nasty stuff, because it gives me a good chance to use my "gordonno" meme and a bunch of others, i think it's so funny personally. i like to overreact to that stuff even though i was it coming it just felt so good to have my comment full of overreacting memes. i kind of laugh after i forget about the links while choosing them and even putting them in order. if you seen the you might remember me. hope this was whole some and to leave thing if a funnier tone comment your fave memes any kind, actually no only wholesome ones. gooday
17 10,2020
about drawing
Everyone is a teen again and we're all in an american highschool party at Jim's place what are you doing?
20 12,2020
about did anal
You. Yes you bitch. You know who tf you are nasty cunt. Stop trying me, I'm not even in the mood to play games, don't fucking do this shit today. None of that mickey and Donald crap and none of that child pedophilia porn gifs of hunterxhunter i haven't even watched it but now I'm not going to ever for certain. Stop posting fucked up shit please i will come and get you like i almost did "i put chapstick on you my way" person. Don't post anymore, at least not this shit. Good Day to everyone else except that one fucker you know who you are.
13 10,2020
19 10,2020
how do you pretend to be strait in front of a homophobic person? I've never done it or needed to but if i ever need to can you tell me how?
19 10,2020
i want gud yuri like webtoons or just regular manga but i want it to be real good like i want to read a dramatic lesbian romance with occasional smut because i need water sometimes.
12 10,2020