CacahuateEstornudo's answer (14)

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Sometimes when they come. There are some "climax faces" that are or funny or scary. Also when they cry during sex, for me that its really weird.   3 reply
22 12,2016
It's called parents giving their children devices that allows them to search the internet with not filter whatsoever. We all now that for example, bronys exist, and they will make porn. It's the child's fault that when searching for my little pony stuff they end up with porn??? If a kid is introduced to something they are not prepared for don't be......   1 reply
18 05,2021
about dates
I'm skinny. I've been told I've a great body. I have a really tiny waist. When someone sees me they don't say, that could be unhealthy. My eating habits are shit, I nearly never eat healthy food, and I don't eat enough food. People are talking about healthy when they don't know shit. You can have high cholesterol or get you arteries clogged even wh......   reply
08 01,2020
I think we're just people. We're not men or women. We're persons. Do you really need to have a sexual orientation? Like you don't need to say I like banana ice cream, you can't just say I like ice cream, because if one day you try pumping ice cream and it's goods, What then? Fuck it I love Ice cream   reply
29 03,2017
Makishima Shougo (Psycho-Pass) This guy is so right about everything he said. He is amazing!   reply
14 12,2016
I think because of how I was raised it came as a natural thing to me that different sexualities existed so never really wondered what i am. I always liked boy and one day I found this girl attractive, and realized that althought I preferd boys girls werent so bad either. I am mostly attracted to boys, and when looking for a partner always looked fo......   1 reply
01 01,2019
There was this professor I really appreciated and that day I had brought a lot of chocolates to school so I decided to give him one. And there is this thing we sometimes do at least between my friends that is called "Think fast". So you say "think fast" and throw an object to the person you said that. So i don't know what got into me, but i said th......   reply
01 01,2019
My first crush was Kevin from Ben 10. And I think I haven't decided my actual crush, but rigth now I'm really into Sweet Elite, so Tegan goes here.   1 reply
01 01,2019
I think a lot of people haven't really understand how grave rape is. And how disgusting it is to romanticize it. I was forcibly touched by a then friend of mine. That experienced damaged me a lot. Imagine being raped, by someone you love and trust. Its a nightmare. And most of the time it's just played as part of the romance. This is often read b......   2 reply
01 02,2020
Losing my head, becoming mad. Because I know, I woudnt be able to do anything. Thats why I am so afraid of being old   reply
30 12,2016
I dont really think killing a person will bring any happines. No matter that, Sorry but i dont think is for you to decide that. Above all, your mother is a person you cant decide over another´s life. You cant neither bring them happines, only them can gain that. You can be her source of happines, but in the end only she cand decide. Whatever you......   reply
10 12,2016
Try something completely different? I dont really know. It happened the same to me. Rigth now i dont have anything to read.   3 reply
16 12,2016
Suke! It would be too boring to just stick to one.   reply
05 12,2016
15 years, girl, High school student from Argentina, Buenos Aires. I started reading yaoi a year ago. Some friends read it and so I started.   1 reply
10 12,2016