uh huh's answer page 1 (23)
bj alex... i threw my phone so many god damn times
2 reply
03 05,2021
I will admit that I'm a horny 14 year old but nEver wiLL/hAve i evER liked gacha life... that shit was always so cringy iv been on youtube my whole life and that shit was always whackkk as hell also the fucking self insert and Y/N shit is a big nahhhhh
side not Grammarly tells me this is inspirational so I'm glad I could inspire
18 05,2021
sadly my mother already knows...... I do be spillin all the tea to her though
1 reply
01 02,2021
03 05,2021
brUH just every little kid ever why the fUCK they always trynna hit and punch me........like god damn the disrespect they needa fuckin chill smh
01 12,2020
girl like yes, but... the whole reason I read on here I because I don't got money to spend
11 05,2021
"Florida man entices gator to bite him; pours beer down its throat, police say"
what in the everloving hell
18 05,2021
they dont have my hair or face shape so this is the best were getting
28 05,2021
Hope everyones safe
01 02,2021
i- what the fuck is wrong with people these days just cause your male doesn't mean- i........- the fucking stupidity idk what to even say
20 01,2021
the cookie recipe on the lid of quaker oats
23 04,2021
yall i swear im nice i keep this shit in my head and to myself
17 03,2021
brUh hes on to somthinΣ(  ̄□ ̄||)
29 11,2020
bruh i just want to be a guy so I can do it with a guy
17 03,2021
I don't think so (most) Americans have their head was too far up their ass and are crazy christian/ catholic homophobes. also, we suck and are really self-centered and I fucking hate it here
08 02,2021
Whenever mangago be like "you voted" i always feel like she aggressively speaking at me and it makes me wanna bawl my eyes out
1 reply
08 02,2021