Bek's answer (3)

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ughhh yes bitch, so damn much! i want to give (and receive) love to someone romantically sooo much. i want to get physical and have a sexual experience *cough cough not be a virgin anymore*. sigh... but ye, ur defff not the only one, even my 2 best friends both are almost angry abt it at this point, we rant to each other all the time about how badl......   1 reply
21 02,2021
about question
legit who gaf what others do? isnt't that kinda the whole point of being queer? as long as it involves consenting (and ideally decently informed) adults, live and let live. If you're not being directly affected and/or harmed by those people, literally why do you care.   reply
2 days
about question
i havent read anything so scarring or otherwise thatd id /prefer/ getting shot in the stomach over it... that being said, if i knew id live, and have no heath issues afterwards, id say f* it and get shot anyways cos damn thats cool. ive lowkey always wanted to know what it feels like to get shot. and the scar & attention youd get afterwards?? dope......   reply
13 01,2024