adilene's question page 1 (36)

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I'm your dad
I'm your dad
I'm your dad
I'm your dad
I'm your dad
I'm your dad
I'm your dad
I'm your dad
Call me daddy
Feed me food while I watch sports,
In my man cave made for sports,
Whores in my porn, porn in my sports,
Whores and porn and whores all in my sports
Fucking sports
Fucking sports
'Cause I'm your dad
I'm your dad
I'm your dad
Call me daddy
Suck my dick in my fast car, fuck me fast in my fast car,
Fast car fast car nascar
I park my car then fuck my car
Oh, i fuck my car
I fuck my car
Oh I'm your dad
I'm your dad
I'm your dad
Call me daddy
I'm your dad
And i got a really big dick
I'm your dad
I'm your dad
I'm your dad
Call me daddy
30 10,2020
27 10,2020
yknow the other one and how somebody was yelling at somebody else for scribbling? yeah that was a total shitshow
let's draw together but on another drawing thing
27 10,2020
29 10,2020
so im procrasticnnayattaatign as usual yeah
im bored asf but i dont wanna do my algebra, science, english, history, math, art, or french homework. i was eating with a plastic spoon earlier and i was chewing on it.
the bitch fuckign brokw in my mouth and cut that shit up
i also swallowed a few pieces

29 10,2020
y'know how we all got tramumamumitauatized because we clicked on that link today? Yeah, that one. Now, here's a link to a Gakuen Babysitters comp. of Kotaro being adorable.

You're welcome hehe♡
~Fanboy Kim
14 10,2020
about question
this is a genuine question
i feel like staying up all night tonight but i'll eventually fall asleep at one point

I plan on:
-reading yaoi
-looking at cars driving by
-sitting on the floor thinking about life
-turn the lights off and crying silently
-doing missing assignments
-reading normie books
26 10,2020
26 10,2020
give me the phone, Star-hyung.
26 10,2020
both of my grandparents have corona and my grandpa is getting hospitalized because he can't breathe
i'm actually questioning whether I should be sad or not because

why I shouldn't be sad:

1. they had a huge party which IS NOT ALLOWED during quarantine
2. I didn't even know them to begin with (even if my mom told me that I loved them when I was little)
3. my dad is in a groupchat with my family and they talk at 6am about my grandpa and it's really annoying because they videochat and my dad's at that age where he yells into his phone and doesn't know how to turn down his volume even when I ask him

why I should be sad:
1. Because they're family
2. i'll feel guilty if i don't feel sad
3. they're old
24 10,2020
21 10,2020
you ever listen to music on Spotify and then get a random ad of J.Balvin offering you a free Oreo McFlurry?
That just happened and it scared the fuck out of me
How do I prepare for ads out of nowhere from Spotify
Also why are the ads 30 seconds long
I just wanna listen to the yarichin Bitch Club OP man
21 10,2020
i wanted to talk to my mom bc like
that's what you do right
she cut me off after I said 'hey, m-' with the biggest SHHH ive ever fucking heard
i wanna cry but i'm in the living room cause we have guests (even tho its quarantine which I think is sus)
29 10,2020
It can be literally anything from trolls, weird links, gross photos, anything that comes to mind when you read the title.
23 10,2020
You know that big knot of fruit flies buzzing around your fruit…and your head. Yeah, they’re hungry for more than just some overripe bananas. They’re swinging.

It starts off slow, but still gross. Two by two the fruit flies pair up and start building arousal through what some call “oral sexual foreplay” but what we call tiny bugs going down on each other. Then comes the action. Which, for beings which only live for a little over a month, last an impressive 20 minutes.

But wait, there’s more.

No sooner has her first partner rolled over and fallen asleep has the female fruit fly buzzed off in search of more. A few more, actually. The female will keep trying out new males until she finds Mr. Right, or at least Mr. Right Now, and he’s the one that will pass on the genetic code to her litter of little flies.
27 10,2020
Who would be a person you'd date from this site if you could choose ?
16 10,2020
18 10,2020
give me some ''yaoi hands'' pics because please
18 10,2020
27 10,2020
drank a mug-full of strong black coffee and its triggering my adhd
help i cant stop moving
i probably typed this in less than 50 seconds
27 10,2020
26 10,2020
my mum's birthday is tomorrow and I can't get her anything because i'm not allowed to leave the house alone anymore
what do i do
i wanna buy her a cake but i have 2 dollars
i usually go with my dad and get her something but he's annoying asf now bc of corona and he yells at me when i forget to put hand sanitizer on my hands
26 10,2020
im drawing something for star-hyung because we're getting marrieD so I thought it'd be nice to draw both of us yeah?
I set a playlist on spotify consisting of 58 LoFi songs that's roughly 2 hours and 20 minutes long.
The playlist randomly stopped because I had listened to all of the songs. You'd think that because I was drawing for that long i'd have a lot done yeah? Well, I only have the guidelines and heads.

I wanna quit but I don't wanna disappoint star-hyung (T▽T)
28 10,2020
i've been suicidal lately and yk how if you go to heaven there's like a heaven designed specifically for you? if i got to see my heaven ash better be there and if not i'm gonna cry even after i die
25 10,2020