NightOwl26's answer page 1 (92)

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about question
I miss Obama.... America is going up in flames with the presidential candidates we have this time around   2 reply
14 07,2024
*me sitting right next to the guy getting sucked off and staring at them*   reply
01 07,2021
about question
I changed my major twice in college lolol. Never felt bad about it either because you'll learn that tons of people in college ended up changing their major. I first went with radiation therapy which was simple. I regretted the choice because I felt like I chose what I HAD to instead of what I wanted. Then I decided, why not go big or go home so I ......   2 reply
23 05,2024
When can we discuss the part where we trade yaoi manga lists? Oh wait, today is your wedding? Oop   reply
01 07,2021
about lmao
Umm... I'm hard of hearing (only in one ear), so I got surgery to get it fixed but it didnt work so yay now I must consider sign language cause you never know whether I'll lose hearing in my other ear as well.... also... I uh... wanna get my lip pierced   2 reply
17 06,2021
about lmao
My handwriting actually evolved from it looking like this text right here. The As were written differently, my letters didnt have "curly Qs" and it just overall looked weird to me lol. I like my handwriting now. It's like a mashup of cursive and handwritten. You may not see that, but trust me, most of the letters are actually connected and I didnt ......   reply
02 06,2021
05 04,2021
An isekai type manhwa like "Daughter of the Emperor" or "Empress of Amother World", or "Suddenly Became a Princess One Day", etc. Basically something "regency" type or historical type world with some magic like those stories. BUT, I'd like to switch genders please. Being a female in those worlds would probably suck due to a lack of feminine rights.......   1 reply
11 06,2024
about lmao
The freaking awesome demon Rin   2 reply
17 06,2021
yea... he would try, but fail   reply
19 03,2021
Not totally sure what I was going for but ya. This was fun   reply
12 05,2021
BNHA fandom be wildin. Tho tbh I'm a part of the BNHA fandom and I do ship some crazy stuff but i also know when to draw the line AND i know what is realistic and what would ACTUALLY be canon versus what all the other crazy BNHA people out there think. The only time I talk BNHA is when it's the canon plot. And I know some people say the show isnt ......   1 reply
05 04,2021
Moist, jiggle, and suck (when used in a dirty context) just make me feel weird   reply
19 03,2021
*hides in embarrassment* I used to be a fan but not so much anymore, but it looks like I cant escape my past   reply
01 07,2021
about question
I don't give a goddamn fuck about voting. What's the point of voting if an election is mostly dependent on the electoral college anyway? It makes it seem like our opinions and our votes don't really matter. Spoiler: just skip the rest of this if you don't want to hear a rant about voting. Nobody likes political shit LOL I wasn't old enough for th......   1 reply
31 10,2024
I'm 21 and have never been in love. I mean I struggle with even knowing whether it's love or not. Like if you liked a guy for 2 years is that really love? Or is it just a one-sided crush? Like if you cant say "I love you" to him then idk man, I dont find that to be loove but as you know, I have no experience so oop. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍   reply
20 06,2021
about question
I don't plan on ever getting a dog for myself cause I don't think I'd be a great dog parent but I think they're super cute! Luckily, I get my dog and cat fix from my sister who lives down the road from me. She's got a great Dane who's a massive sweetheart and such a good boy and then three kitties. One cat is new! She just adopted the baby, she's a......   reply
28 06,2024
about lmao
Idk guys lolol   1 reply
16 06,2021
about question
This is the saddest I've been.... even my roommate doesn't want to live with me ╥﹏╥   reply
11 01,2025