Ayame's answer (4)

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Kiss kiss fall in love and DOUKA PLS CAN U KEEP MY SECRET   reply
25 06,2021
I’m actually glad to see people who share the same view because I live in Asia and the tradition of having offsprings is even stronger so I can’t help but fear of disappointing people if I ever said I didn’t want babies. Foremost reason is I don’t think I can handle the huge responsibilities and sacrifices I have to carry, it takes away too......   1 reply
19 08,2019
about question
Same here. Have always been emotional but dead stubborn on not showing it publicly. Guess what, I kept crying next to my (also crying) friends in the theatre despite my efforts to stop my tears (literally had to blow my nose with tissue paper). It’s just THAT emotional of a movie can’t help it   1 reply
20 06,2021
100% supported, it's hard to find people with similar interests *sighs*   1 reply
12 07,2017