YumiNeko's answer (3)

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Ehehehehe, blessed when i was 9. I first bumped into it while searching for anime to watch on crunchyroll. I got hooked on it ever since but I know read manga instead of the anime. But, after my meeting with yaoi, I've lost the craving for (most) hetero romances. (Btw, the anime i stumbled upon was sekaiichi hatsukoi) (=・ω・=)   reply
26 07,2016
Hmmm, I would first play with the snake between my legs and then, I would investigate my prostate gland......what else would I do?   7 reply
12 02,2017
Okay, I am a very private person. This has led to my parents lecturing me on why families shouldn't hide secrets (which is total bull) and getting all up in my face whenever I am on my laptop or tablet. Ugh, and my dad he keeps on questioning me when I say "I'm not watching anything bad." It makes me so irritated I just wanna (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ ......   1 reply
16 08,2016