Kisaki Sakura's answer (15)
You know that Trump wouldn't be eligible for election in the majority of European countries because he is too extremist and too fascist. How anyone can proudly say they support him only Nazi's supporting Hitler can understand... You can't understand the horror I as a German feel, seeing our history repeat itself in the USA. And before you tell me t......
4 reply
06 11,2024
I'm not diagnosed with it and I'm not sure I have it. But I do have a hard time leaving the house on most days and sometimes my brain goes all panicky when I want to go somewhere/ meet with people.
Really, if possible get professional help with this. I do want to drop some general advise on mental health, though.
A while ago, I came upon the fac......
20 10,2024
I hate it when people claim to know me. I am a very private person with trust issues. Please don't assume you know everything about me and can predict how I feel. Those secrets I tell, are secrets I don't mind being found out... they are rather unimportant for me and describe the things I am least bothered by and not most. I tell people a little ab......
03 06,2018
Here. I am queere, cis-female. Beside that I kind of still am searching for my true lable.
07 06,2018
I read Yaoi whenever I feel unhappy and lonely.
03 06,2018
At first I did not want to enter a relationship that wont last. Now, at 23, I just want it to happen naturally, without pressure, when it does feel right and I feel good about my partner. I see no reason to stress about it, or force it ti happen. Also I am terrified of getting pregnant.
19 10,2018
I am 21 year old linguistic student from Germany. I major in German and "Book-Science". Prior I studied pharmacy.
I am also part of LGBTQ and yaoi was the first form of representation I ever encountered - and thus it stayed with me. In my years growing up gay people were few, at least it appeared so.
Following that hollow feeling of being strange......
14 11,2016
I was 13, watched Ouran and those twins made me thirsty for more. In less than a month I was down to DJs and FFs - and only after that I found regular yaoi. That was nearly 9 years ago...
14 11,2016
Well, first anime is of course Heidi - the girl from the Alps. But the first anime I recognized as an anime were Inuyasha and Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne.
My first manga I bought was Sunadokai.
14 11,2016
I am a M. I love to have someone force my emotions, pain and pleasure out of me. If you want me whole, take me whole, claim me whole. The only thing I give freely is consent XD
But I would love to fuck a guy with a Stap-on... so yeah, there is that as well.
07 06,2018
Ich war etwa in deinem Alter als ich meinen erste Yaoi gelesen habe. Am Ende kommt es drauf an, ob du es in Ordnung findest in deinem Alter bereits Pornographie zu konsumieren. Was du dir aber auf jeden Fall anschauen kannst, ist Shounen ai - die "zensierte" Version von Yaoi, in der, in der Regel, keine Pornographie vor kommt.
Die heutige Gesellsc......
1 reply
22 06,2018
Badass Uke, can't complain there.
2 reply
08 01,2018
Is there still room for one more yaoi crazed girl?
28 05,2018
I love rare pairs, I am kind of living for them... but probably in a different sense than you. At the beginning of joining a fandom I consume all the pairs, I than get sick of repetition in plots and pairings and in the end only the rare pairs manage to give me enjoyment.
For example: I started in Naruto with SasuNaru, switched than the Uchiha to ......
23 06,2018