ilyozu's answer page 5 (260)

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01 08,2023
I want Kaoru Seta call me as one of her nekos and step on me. If she steps on me, I'm the one who'd say sorry for wasting her time for a peasant like me. And yes I admit. I'm a simp for her.   reply
23 02,2021
about draw yaoi
i love this smmm!! we call this 'trintas' (braids) at my place but TIL, it's actually called shakoy/bicho bicho. i'm from Philippines btw   reply
14 11,2023
about question
ilyozu 06 04,2021
I disagree to your third opinion. I'll also state my opinion bcs I want to 1. We read it bcs we find it interesting and bcs we can separate fiction from reality. 2. Reading those ≠ supporting those in rl. Does liking villains in books, movies etc is equal to liking murderers or serial killers in rl? No. Your second opinion's last sentence. 1. Y......   reply
06 04,2021
about question
the electric fan isn't electric fanning grrrrrrr it's overheatimg every 5-10 minutes and the windddddd IT'S FUCKING WARM I'M BURNING HELPPPPPP   reply
29 04,2024
t/w: sexual assault it was the building b room 405. there was this teacher who groomed his 11th grader student (around 16-17 iirc). he got caught bcs that gal was pregnant. he got suspended for a while but apparently from what i heard, he's back in school teaching 12th grader students. it caused a huge uproar when the principal announced it. the f......   reply
11 10,2023
about question
the lamp story fucked me up. fake or not, it's just sad. for a filipino one then it's the infamous "miss yor hotshots" and "daijoubou bbq"(random pic cuz i ran out of memes)   1 reply
03 12,2023
about question
this haircut   1 reply
03 12,2023
about lmao
i can move on from an awkward conversation as if nothing happened (is this a talent ? idk but i like to think that it is) i can move my head sideways (i can't rly explain this one but like it's prolly not rare but my everyone here can't so...) i can prevent my sneeze from coming out!! (i think this one is very cool)   1 reply
02 08,2023
Any Yaoi Omegaverse. Just no. And popular Yaoi manhwa like potn, Bj Alex, Love is an Illusion, Jinx etc. 98% of Popular Yaoi Manhwa are stupid. If I could drop Yours to claim, I would. But I got attached to Cain so.... :/   reply
02 09,2023
since it's your first time rolling in that game, i'm going to assume you're new to the game. you prolly should abandon ur account and do another one until you get your chara. you could farm for more rolls but imo it's way easier to collect rolls in new accounts.   reply
16 04,2024
about question
Strawberries   1 reply
07 05,2021
about dating
gonna make a list just so i don't get lost lol •first, i'm an introvert who doesn't interact to other people that much. heck, i'm not even active on social medias •i'm ugly and very insecure about myself. there's like 11 girls in my class and i'm the one with the biggest body build. they're all small and thin compared to me being tall and fat......   1 reply
27 11,2023
about question
Me × Myself   reply
29 04,2021
the bathroom stalls and the stairs bleghhhhhh the stairs would always smell like piss IT'S FUCKING DISGUSTING!!! shout out to our school's building A peeps, yall are the most disgusting peeps i've ever known holy crap. it's literally 8:30 am and yall bathroom stalls smells disgusting. idk about building B but building C had the best bathroom stalls......   reply
24 02,2024
about question
It threatens people. Humans wants assurance that they're going to survive without worrying about someone killing them. Mostly because humans fear death. Seriously, who wants to live in a place where survivability level is low.   reply
10 06,2021
about question
ilyozu 07 05,2024
i can totes understand the frustration after reading that manga   reply
07 05,2024
ilyozu 27 04,2024
intp and i love mutual pining smmm TT   2 reply
27 04,2024 i fucking hate this user with my burning passion. he's annoying as fuck + thinks he's funny when he's not!!! he's been harrassing me for god knows since when. no seriously, when will this guy stop?   reply
18 11,2023
about question
"Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest." —Joshua 1:9   1 reply
27 04,2021