ilyozu's answer page 2 (260)

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I don't want her to come back in the forum. She's too problematic. I don't care if she's got supporter to protect her or whatsoever. Just no. Let's normalize this forum without Fruity from now on.   reply
19 05,2021
bread. every kinds of bread. from the square ones up to all kinds of bread in the bakery. mnmmm it'll never fail to bring me in a good mood. I'd buy bread in a local bakery almost every after school/work   reply
25 10,2023
ilyozu 02 03,2021
That one woman who used a pineapple to masturbate... I deleted my twitter after that   reply
02 03,2021
"he's a hoe who fucks two men at the same time and just hurts everyone else involved" i'm not even a ytc fan yall but the hate on jooin here is too much. he's not a hoe for sleeping with two men lmao he'a not even in a relationship whilst he was doing that. would you call an irl person who sleeps with only two dif peeps a hoe?? if that so then you......   1 reply
06 01,2024
teenage boys/manchild who have 'dark humor' bro that ain't even dark humor that's just straight up being sexist/racist/homophobic/transphobic etc. "the joke is like water, not everybody could get it" how about i punch you in the gut while i cut your throat while you bleed like a fucking bitch. 9/11? haha very funny towers kaboom hah /s. the n-wor......   2 reply
28 04,2024
about draw yaoi
a better search function PLEASEEEE just look at novelupdates' search function it's soo clean. wish we had this kind of search function cuz the 'and/or' in genre and tags section. to bring back the report button. stats in reading if that makes sense? it's like data on how many manga/hwa/hua did you read ......   2 reply
14 11,2023
Why would everyone freak out in a frickin PSYCHOLOGICAL film. It has the psychological tag for a reason. In every psychological film, it is just normal to be abnormal since it's all just a product of a creative minds right? Everything are normal in NGE. BNP, it is a straight up pedophilia. The guy is in his normal state of thinking and yet he did......   reply
19 12,2020
about question
I don't mind :3   1 reply
06 01,2021
I don't really care about real people who are into incest. They can do whatever they want as long as I'm not involved in their business. That doesn't mean i'd like to duck my siblings. But you thinking as if fictional characters are a real human with feelings is weird. They're not human ffs. If you can't separate fiction and reality then there's ......   reply
26 04,2021
about question
I've never heard any Asians complain about it. Yes. It is insulting but it was never racist. It can only be racist if the word is used to insult the whole race but guess what? The word 'rat' is commonly used to insult to an individual. Not the whole race. Pardon my language. Twittards should stop assigning things that should oppress us. It's annoyi......   2 reply
14 06,2021
ilyozu 05 02,2021
This bitch literally made a new account just for this lmao. Go fck yourself. I don't believe in religions but you disgusts me. You're mere existence just makes my head hurt. Be respectful to religions idiot. Even a rational atheist like me respects religions. You should respect their beliefs, values and etc. bcs Islam made them a person with good a......   reply
05 02,2021
about question
HOLY CRAP IT'S REAL?!?!???   1 reply
02 09,2023
ilyozu 28 07,2023
please tell me it's just satire-   1 reply
28 07,2023
i've never been asked out. i'm srsly thinking that it's a me-issue atp   1 reply
20 03,2024
about question
I'll be real here. Some may see you as disgusting person and some will not. Some will not give a flying fuck and some will. People have different opinions so just go read and do whatever you want. I'm already tired hearing the same shit. You too probably. We can't change their minds so let them be. If you think you're doing something wrong then......   reply
31 05,2021
I'm a ten but i'm extra extra clingy to my friends that one would think that we're couples and would treat peeps like an air if they're interested in me romantically (i'm awkward and idk how to move around him i'm so so so so sorry please forgive me TT)   reply
21 10,2023
about question
Manga and webtoons are created to tell a story. Not to please y'all. If you guys have problem with the things that were portrayed on those stories that then just ignore or avoid it. Simple as that. (This was not meant for you op. You're cool.)   reply
08 05,2021
about question
idk why you have to post other people's preference for having different taste than yours. but I kind of agree tho so...   reply
04 07,2021
about question
*cutely erases 3 paragraphs about my parents* i swallowed a key when i was a toddler. i was a gifted kid back then but fuck pandemic happened in hs. i got no motivation to do shit. all my works were piling up and i'm not even doing anything about it. got depressed, anxiety, and anger issues all in one. got kicked out of the house 3-4 times i don'......   1 reply
12 04,2024
Handling gore related manga or manhwa doesn't make u a good killer. It teaches you how to be a messy killer and be cannibal smh. Playing danganronpa doesn't help too. Even if you perfectly executed all the murder techniques, they will know that it's a danganronpa reference and will make all danganronpa enthusiast in the area before the crime was c......   reply
03 02,2021