rai's answer (3)

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rai 28 10,2020
You know what I have a same experience,but now we are not friend anymore because she done the worst thing to me and it's more like bullying me than what your friend does to you..I guess the best thing to do is ask her first, talk to her why did she keep on doing that thing...cause you know each person has their own reason why they are like that..Th......   reply
28 10,2020
rai 31 10,2020
Hi, mine is Nami#3839, I already sent a friendrequest to you..I'm a shy person but I hope we can be friends>   reply
31 10,2020
Helloooo mine is Nami#3839 you guys can talk to me anytime, don't hesitate to be friendly with me and i hope we all can get along>   reply
01 11,2020