if__then__because__'s answer (9)

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tiktok dances are non-locomotor movements   1 reply
15 10,2020
I was in kindergarten. We were lining up for something idk and a dropped my pencil case. I was about to get it but another dude did the same thing. Our hands touched a little ._.   reply
27 09,2020
I WANNA CLEAN PLS mai disc: kry#3465   1 reply
23 11,2020
I always complain about my problems and dont do anything about them   reply
11 10,2020
like everything, there's always a line not to cross, and that line is involving real dudes. i kind of get how fujoshis are seen as bad, and its a persons choice if they want to admit it or not or if they want to change or not, just dont cross the line. _______________________________________________________________________________________________......   reply
28 11,2020