toast's answer (12)

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why do you feel the need to say this   reply
30 12,2020
i struggled with the hands a bit so the hand is a bit big but here u go   2 reply
21 04,2021
toast 10 05,2021
why did you feel the need to type out cheeses   1 reply
10 05,2021
i have officially joined the love everyone club. i love you all, you are beautiful, stay positive, drink lots of water, and know you're so cute and you deserve everything   reply
29 11,2020
omg!! congrats!! here is coke cap glasses, a dog, and a cottage!!! wooo hope you guys have a good future!!   1 reply
24 12,2020
Well, if this is a joke, then eh. But, if this is true, then I'll try to give the best advice I can.. First off, please stop shipping real people and fetishizing mlm. It's uncomfortable for them and they won't feel very right. Get up, shower, eat, and do something you like other than yaoi. Please find a new hobby or exercise. Exercising is a goo......   reply
13 02,2021
toast 20 12,2020
more than 80 million bacteria is given in a single kiss   reply
20 12,2020
about periods
toast 30 11,2020
.   reply
30 11,2020
about crying
can someone tell me what it is I am not clicking that   3 reply
24 06,2021
about question
U NEEEED TO EMAIL THEM!!! If u dont say anything abt it ur grade will be kept at an unsatisfactory place, it’s better to try to talk to them an A: Potentially get your grade back or B: Try and still not get ur points, because at least then u know that u did everything u could…. If u dont talk to ur teacher u’ll regret it forever thinking “a......   reply
12 12,2023
about question
toast 11 05,2021
Secret Alliance?   1 reply
11 05,2021