muffix's answer page 3 (44)

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about stalking
That there were monsters in the dark so everytime I had to turn off all the light in the house I had to turn everything on then everytime I turned something off I would bolt to the nearest place with light and repeat.   reply
20 10,2020
about lgbt
I'm pan and my family is Christian. I haven't told them since idk how they will react. It's not like they show signs of homophobia or talk about the LGBTQ in a bad way, I just dont know how they will react. Anyway, it's not really a hurtful thing someone said it's more on how they act. One of my bffs fetishizes gays and i dont know what to say to h......   reply
15 10,2020
I dont mind that but if they find out a read mxm sex scenes then uhhhh   1 reply
15 10,2020
I've come to terms with death. I'm not suicidal or anything but I'm not afraid of death, it will happen and I'm not going to constantly worry about something that is inevitable ( but if you do fear death than I hold nothing against you ). And dying alone I'm not afraid of, I guess it's more being alone? If that makes sense   reply
29 09,2020