Kiyuku 2's answer page 6 (622)

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Congratulations!! It’s been a while since someone got married or engaged. I would love to attend. You know I work for Gucci and recently we had a wedding line that blew up. And I think we can get you a free wedding outfit but that’s if you want one.   reply
10 11,2020
about bad ends
Ahh so Felix is this guy who post self harm photos for shits and giggles. And when we reported him it look very long for him to get banned. But then when an innocent, smart, fact-spitting mangago user does one thing wrong they get banned in a instant. And I’m pretty sure he didn’t do anything wrong. And we all mad cause it makes no sense. To ......   1 reply
22 11,2020
about question
I thought @ Gobbling Iwa-chan rn ( ) was a crazy funny weird ass bitch. Who knew I was right.   2 reply
02 11,2020
Kiyuku 2 01 11,2020
01 11,2020
I hate people who do this. It’s just like saying you support the LGBTQIA+ Community but make fun of transgenders (just an example not saying LGBTQIA+ Community is an illness symptom. Nor saying Transgenders are the most mocked. The fact that that came to my mind (and some of y’all’s) is sad.) A better example would be saying you support all......   reply
12 12,2020
Damn if My mom ever catches me reading yaoi I would be 6 feet deep in my grave and i’m not getting a funeral.   1 reply
02 11,2020
Fun Fact: If a fish just died. Put it in the deep freezer for a some minutes-hours, take it out and put it in some clean water and it comes back alive. This is because when it dies some of its cells are still alive and if you freeze them they’ll help the fish stay Alive.   5 reply
13 12,2020
You dare take my food you worthless thing.   1 reply
16 11,2020
•Therapy Game Restart •My purrfect Boss •Anti P.T •The Titans Bride   reply
05 10,2020
Kiyuku 2 07 10,2020
Yeah the site got shut down for 2 hours because some dumbasses thought it was a good idea to post messages about the website on TikTok and Twitter. Please use a codename for mangago Please.   reply
07 10,2020
Yes. This quarantine has made the procrastinator in me come out and I don’t like it. I always managed to do my homework, wake up on time, be that smart student with good grades and knew my fellow classmates and teachers. But now I’m failing miserably, I wake up 4-5 hours after I’m supposed to, I don’t know my teachers or my classmates, and ......   1 reply
09 12,2020
Dangarompa Nagito Komaeda   1 reply
07 12,2020
Kiyuku 2 02 10,2020
I still don’t know the name of most of my teachers and I don’t know what grade i’m in most if the time.   reply
02 10,2020
I’m a bi woman all i can say is that us bi’s should not say the f slur word. Also that’s so rude of you to say that were “privileged”. Ty “UwU-Bill” for telling me what the f slur word is.   1 reply
23 10,2020
Yes Sir!   reply
27 10,2020
Kiyuku 2 02 11,2020
I’M IN SPAIN (The s is silent)   reply
02 11,2020
Because I Can (noah fence tho)   reply
29 09,2020
I don’t even know this character but he’s hot so I saved him in my gallery. Edit: It’s Sakusa Kiyoomi from Haikyuu   3 reply
01 10,2020