LaughingAardvark's answer page 1 (41)

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What I don't get is why just rape. There are manga with blackmail, assaults, robberies, muggings, torture, murder, and all sorts of bad stuff. I mean if you're going to hate on and judge people because they like reading fiction with bad behavior in them, why just rape?   2 reply
01 02,2020
I've had that problem but from the other side. I have auditory perception disorder. This means that while my actual hearing is excellent I have trouble understanding what is said especially if there is background noise. I have long lost any shame or embarrassment about asking people to repeat things multiple times or sometimes I just pretend I u......   reply
23 05,2020
Okay then. I'm never telling anyone my sign again. Holy shit.   reply
21 08,2020
Think of it like them wondering how to tell you how often they have sex. NOBODY WANTS TO KNOW.   reply
02 08,2020
Definitely. What doesn't belong on pizza is chicken. I have no idea why but I feel chicken on pizza is an abomanation.   1 reply
02 05,2020
A physicist, a biologist, and a mathematician were sitting outside in front of a cafe having coffee. While they talked they saw two people enter the building across from them. Later, three people came out. The physicist said, "We must have miscounted." The biologist said, "They must have reproduced." And the mathematician said, " If one more p......   2 reply
11 09,2020
There is nothing wrong with you. You are not the crazy one. Your parents are. Your mother is a classic abuser and it sounds like your father isn't far behind her. Your mother can't help you with your problems because she is the cause of your problems. She tears you down in order to control you. She ridicules your friends and boyfriend because......   2 reply
25 06,2020
Killing Stalking because it was too intense. I just dropped Light & Shadow because I got bored. I can't remember the others. It was mostly because I found them boring. One was an isekai that was not only a harem but the guy started immediately sleeping with everyone. Constant sex is not what I look for in isekai. Oh and one was a guy who had a ......   1 reply
08 06,2019
When should I start panicking?   2 reply
08 10,2020
I got to 50 without killing myself. So, pretty damn good considering what I've had to work with.   1 reply
05 07,2020
Solo Leveling. It makes my whole week.   reply
12 12,2019
I've thought it would be cool to be a river otter. They seem to have fun.   1 reply
03 05,2020
CATS!! 'Nuff said.   reply
26 08,2020
02 09,2020
Not a homophobe? (bullshit)   reply
02 09,2020
07 09,2020
Egg   1 reply
07 09,2020
11 08,2020
Are you sure that it's not bad for the cat? I don't know if it counts with human milk but most cats are lactose intolerant.   reply
11 08,2020
Okay weird people. Here's a few from my list of things people don't really want to know. There is no such thing as dark. It's the name we give to a lack of light. The same is true of cold. Cold is an amount of heat that's less than what we feel is comfortable. There is no way to prove that the past really existed. For all we know the univers......   2 reply
02 08,2020
I've been getting them for months. They are annoying af and I don't understand why they started. It's a manga site for God's sake. What can a bot even do here?   reply
12 10,2020
I'm terrible at singing because I have an auditory discrimination problem. One of the results of the condition is I can't tell if I'm on key or not. So one day I saw a poster for singing lessons and thought maybe I could get help. What the poster did not say was chorus tryouts. I wouldn't have gone to it if there had been any hint it was for chorus......   2 reply
29 12,2018