Nobody's answer page 1 (275)

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Asexual. Still trying to figure out where in the spectrum I fall, though.   reply
11 08,2018
about question
Because I can separate fiction from reality. In real life, rapists should be castrated with a dull knife before bleeding to death, But fictional characters don’t usually instill in me such a visceral reaction. Usually these fictional a-holes are made to be interesting, charismatic and handsome (depending on the art in this case). Also, I depends......   3 reply
25 04,2024
Where the hell in the US do they not fly?! Because I sure have seen those mofos fly here in the good US of A.   3 reply
30 05,2021
When you say you’re a shota lover (pedo) do you actually mean you are sexually attracted to actual, flesh and blood children? It kinda comes off that way. Now if you are saying you like reading shota, people get squicked out about that choice and like to assume the reader is automatically attracted to real, actual children, but as this document ......   1 reply
02 05,2020
about being gay
I'm asexual and I know some people do not think asexuals fall into the LGBT spectrum, but I still want to give my two cents regarding your questions. The only smut I read is shonen-ai/yaoi. I'll sometimes read/watch hetero hentai, but my go-to overwhelmingly is yaoi. Honestly I don't feel that my enjoyment of yaoi in anyway affects my personal ph......   reply
24 04,2018
Sasuke from Naruto. People say he’s a little b*tch, but honestly, he saw his whole clan be murdered by his beloved brother at the tender age of 7. That tends to mess with people’s heads.   1 reply
29 09,2020
about question
Granted, BL is overwhelmingly written by females for females, but I don’t think the unrealistic sex has much to do with their gender. Hetero couples engage in anal sex as well, it’s not exclusive to one sexuality. I think it just comes down to fantasy. No porn has ever portrayed sex realistically, because realistically, sex is a messy, dirty ......   1 reply
22 12,2023
It’s a crapsack world. I don’t get people that say thy would *like* to live in the Omegaverse. Why would anyone want to live in a world with no free will? Alphas are ruled by the omega’s scent/pheromones and omegas are ruled by their heats. To add to the issue, omegas need to be on medication to keep their heats at bay and sometimes those med......   1 reply
21 02,2021
Whatever personal opinions we might have, we can’t forget about culture. I’m not condoning how things are, but we tend to want to see things through our own personal culture when in reality manga and anime is primarily aimed at a Japanese audience. There are a lot of things wrong with their worldview, but it’s their worldview and we don’t ......   reply
29 05,2020
about question
Animal abusers (most end up escalating to people as well so yeah, nip them in the bud), rapists, child molesters/rapists. Condescending assholes (usually they have a dark side). No but really, people that shouldn’t be breathing are animal abusers and rapists. They can burn in hell for eternity.   reply
04 08,2023
I don’t really know what makes me tick, but if I’m going to read smut it’s gotta be Yaoi. Maybe it’s because in most yaoi both characters are pretty to look at and there is not really a feeling (at least in my part) of “why the hell would you fall for this person?!” Like I get in Shojo. In Shojo, the main lead is usually the cool, colle......   2 reply
07 08,2020
about question
According to my account, it seems I joined in 2016, but I’m sure I was here before that because the only reason I created an account was to avoid being sent to random sites whenever I clicked on a manga to read. As for the read and reading, I don’t add any, so,there is no record, but it’s a few, not in the hundreds likes a lot of people on h......   1 reply
16 01,2024
about lgbt
That is literally assault. I freaking hate parents (other adult family members) that don’t discipline their brats cus “kids could do no wrong”. Um, kids are the worst when it comes to being able to be cruel. It’s those kids that grow up to be insufferable adults and the ones that step all over everyone else.   1 reply
08 10,2023
about question
Well, fujoshi, like otaku, have negative connotations, and liking BL does not make one a fujoshi. Fujoshi usually are the fans that take it to the extreme, hence giving BL/yaoi fans a bad name.   reply
31 05,2021
about question
No and no. I always knew I never want kids, but I was iffy about the whole marriage thing, but now that I’m older, I’ve realized that I don’t care for romance so no marriage for me.   reply
4 days
about eat ass
07 04,2024
Love does not equal sex, nor does sex equal love. Sometimes you can love someone and they can love you and you will still not work as a couple. It’s ok not to be stuck at the hip. Your love story may not look like stuff in fiction, but if it works for you, then that’s ok.   reply
07 04,2024
05 06,2020
I don’t think it’s necessarily weird. I’m asexual so I’m not even interested in sex, but I read a shit-ton on yaoi. I like the erotism of the drawings. I think what we like to read/ watch does not define all aspects of our lives, even if many people might believe that.   2 reply
05 06,2020
29 04,2020
Cockroaches. Even writing this is giving me goosebumps.   1 reply
29 04,2020
There are way too many characters I think are handsome, but these two are the ones that came to mind when I read “fine as hell”. I like their aesthetics. Jinwon-BL Motel Sei- Yoidore koi o sezu   2 reply
13 11,2020