I'd say the first step should probably be masturbation. Depending on your definition of virginity, my first boyfriend would count. However, we never got further than oral because I had *no fucking /clue/* what I was doing and couldn't give him any feedback besides 'it's nice'. I think he got the idea I was saying something more along the lines of '...... reply
I went through my whole list and came up with 15 in the running. Now to narrow it down...
Maya was a major contender who only lost in the last round of cuts, but I can't ignore the first two volumes of the manga for everything that comes after, and he has some *major* jealousy issues. He's definitely one of the most interesting ones, though.
#1) ...... 2 reply
"When will you be getting married?"/"Will you be the next one married?"
I'll be getting married when I find someone I love enough to spend the rest of my life with, ffs! This isn't a race!
The second one I kept getting asked at my sister's wedding, for some reason. And it wasn't even my family, it was the extended family of the groom. Which was u...... reply
... Mamoru Chiba from Sailor Moon. I was five when it first aired here, and the whole caped crusader/future doctor/destined soulmate thing is pretty hard to beat. His car and motorbike don't hurt either, though I could do without the fashion sense.
Later I read the manga and fell in love all over again. He doesn't even have any powers (at first), ...... 1 reply
I agree it's a concern, and a very valid one. A lot of the time I just won't read the comments, even though rape and dub-con are kinks of mine. It does bother me when people defend it as if it was good or romantic, rather than just admit, "That was hot/well-written/evocative, even if it's messed up."
I think part of it comes down to that: Sometime...... 3 reply
Depends on context, for me. I'd prefer total consent in romance ones. I *love* ukes who go after what they want. I... mostly ignore the more obvious ravishment fantasy stuff. I just don't bother with the words, though the actions are still sexy. I like manga that deal with the trauma after, or have people who acknowledge that they did wrong. I *don...... reply
The ones I go back to all the time? Hidoku Shinaide (I even bought it for kindle!), Mr. Convenince (Aki-san is adorable! I totally get why Shiba is head-over-heels for him!), and Lovers Come, Come! (I just love the way they're both doing their best for the other one and yet *utterly miss* each other. It's sweet.) reply
I'm not from the Ukraine, but if you want someone to talk to/with, I can listen? I was actually in Kiev briefly last month to meet an internet friend. Mind if I ask what you're studying? 3 reply
I hate it. It's my one big no-no, and almost automatically a backbutton if I'm reading something.
I would not. I might be attracted to someone else while in a relationship, but I'm a blunt person and would probably end up telling my partner about even a flash-in-the-pan attraction. I'd never even go as far as flirting with another person if I was ...... reply
I was sixteen and it was my second date with my first boyfriend. We'd ended the first with a hug, and on the second I gave him a hug, too. Just when I was starting to pull back we paused, then he kissed me. It didn't last very long and was fairly chaste, but I had butterflies in my stomach for the whole night. I told my sister, whom I shared a room...... 1 reply
I'm straight and usually read yaoi. I will read hetero stuff if I'm interested in the story, but usually then I turn to novels instead and avoid erotica of all sorts. Not because I dislike any of it especially, but because I'm not interested in girls. At all. And yaoi is mostly porn. The sex is usually the driving force of the plot, and the storyli...... reply
Singing. I'm really self-conscious about it, too. Although in winter, when everyone has the windows closed on their houses and cars, I'll sing out loud when listening to music on the move. I don't sing in front of people unless I'm drunk or the music is *waaaaaay* up anymore.
For most things I can say, "It's okay if I can't do that because I can d...... 1 reply
Hidoku Shinaide. I usually skip the first chapter, and the summary kept me from reading it for over a year, but I love that one. For some reason I just can't like the seme in Elektel Delusion. I've read the whole thing, and I didn't *dislike* it, but I don't really like it either. reply
Cheating. Consensual open relationship (sex friends, hookups, threesomes, etc) is fine, but if two people are in what is understood to be an exclusive relationship and one cheats I hate it. But it has to be understood to be exclusive by both. I don't think that one person being in supposedly unrequited love with their sex friend counts. Sex during ...... reply
I was mistaken for ace back in high school for about 18 months by my friends. I didn't learn about this until I was hanging out with one of them and making all sorts of comments about the boys soccer team playing shirts v skins on the next field.
"Oh! So... I guess you're not ace, then?"
"What? No. Why would you even think that?"
"You never join...... reply
In most English-speaking cultures it's considered feminine and 'cute'. If people see two elementary school aged girls holding hands, they'll say, "Aww, they're so close! It's adorable!" On the other hand, if they see two boys of the same age the boys will likely be told, "You're too old for that. You need to learn to be more independent."
By the t...... 1 reply
I manage on my own just fine, but there are times I wish I had a partner to share the good and bad with. Plus I've always wanted children, too. Not that single people can't have/raise kids just fine on their own, but I'd rather have help. If nothing else, just so I *can* sleep in and take a day off if I'm sick, rather than having to dra...... 1 reply
About my sexuality? Nope. I'm straight as an arrow, unfortunately. And I say unfortunately because I'm biromantic. I could fall in love with a girl, I'm sure, but I have never wanted to sleep with them. The closest would be really, *really* wanting a cuddle, but that's very different. Which isn't to say I don't look at pretty women. I just admire t...... 1 reply
What I like? My smile and my ass. And odd combination, I'll admit, but those are the two things I get complimented on all the time (thought compliments on the ass often go through two or three people before I hear them. I've been lucky enough to avoid most catcalling. Which goes back to the smile, I think. My face looks quite a bit younger than I a...... 2 reply