☆ ISFSST ☆'s question page 1 (59)

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about scared of
My name is 0ISFSST1 on roblox. btw this is isfsst if you couldn't tell-
28 05,2021
I wanted to ask because I plan to start writing a novel of my own and it might ask who I want my novel to be targeted at. It's supposed to have action and barely any romance but I thought why not see if I should do action or romance if that makes sense-
19 12,2020
Would you audition if they had a real life danganronpa? I mean you wouldn't die or anything it'd just look like you did but you're unaware you're not gonna die. And this could actually be possible because of hypnosis that could make you lose your memory and could make you a whole new person! If you did join what would your ultimate be? Mine would be the ultimate escape artist for sure and I'd survive my execution if I ever did have one because of my talent. what role would you take? would you survive? Anyways this was just a question for the dangit grandpa fandom on here because me and my discord server thought of it like 3 a.m. thoughts lol
26 06,2021
about eat food
you can really never be bored here there is always some (non-toxic) drama. We have some bots that you can use too. we like too say admins are active. link: https://discord.gg/6ur85fPs
20 05,2021
Anyways I was walking one day and then out of nowhere this man offered me some grilled meat at a stan. I bought cause that shit look bussin and took a chomp. He asked me what I thought of it and I told him his stuff was tasty or whateva. I asked him what meat he used cuz the shit tasted good. He then told me he cut off his booty cheeks and I just sinked my teeth in his ass. Ever since that day I've been finding people with big asses and cutting them off. Don't try eating the ones that had surgery tho .
25 04,2021
I'm honestly facing some writer's block and can't think of anything-
Like I have the story, plot, and character figured out I just need the title-
Also I'm just genuinely curious-
14 01,2021
about question
I am currently hiding at my friend's house because my mom caught me on this site. She just called to tell my friend she is on her way and I'm planning to run somewhere else. This is probs the last time you'll hear from me so goodbye :^
18 01,2021
Little note, abbreviations are K=kurapika L= leorio C= chrollo U=Uvo H=Hisoka Y/N= you, duh bitch.
Your nen ability is to feel when sudden bad things are going to happen and somewhat see flashes of the future (yes you have nen cause I felt nice).

You were driving with Kurapika and Leorio when suddenly you felt the sudden urge to get out the car.

Y/N: "Pull over. I want to get."
L: "What's up? Why do you suddenly want to get out the car?"
K: "You've been fine this whole time. Is it something involving your nen?"
Y/N: "I think so."

Suddenly, you felt dizzy and laid down in the backseat. You closed your eyes and suddenly saw a person infront of the car. He looked like a big muscly titan. He through a punch and almost split the car in half. You could see Leorio's corpse, Kurapika severally injured, and you on the ground. The muscular guy walked over to you and lifted you up by the neck. Your hair blowing in the wind.

U: "Is this the person that's been giving you trouble boss?"

H: " They seem nothing more than a weakling..."

C: "Don't underestimate their nen. It could be pretty useful on our side."

Y/N: "W-w-what d-do you want from...me?"

C: "Let them go. It would be better if I don't have to struggle to hear them."

Who were these people? What did they exactly want from me? I don't understand how I've given them trouble and we've never met. The man let me go.

C: "Now then, does joining me sound like a good deal to you?"

What does he mean?

Y/N: "What the hell are you talking about?"

He gave me a small glared as he answered my question.

C: "The phantom troupe."

Phantom troupe. Does this mean that these people are the ones who killed Kurapika's clan? I needed to get out of there. I stood up and ran towards Kurapika who was passed out on the floor. I swiftly picked him up, put him on my back, and ran away. I knew there was no chance of making it out of there, but I had to try! As I turned my head to look back at them, I saw the muscular man was missing. I looked up and saw him in the high sky. I quickly evaded the attack and went rolling with Kurapika's body. We hit a car part from before. I started coughing up blood as I tried to carry Kurapika on my back again. Before I could get up, the pink haired man threw cards towards my hand and I was stuck. The muscular man landed before me and the black haired man walked towards us.

H: "You've got quite the cards in your hands~"

That wasn't funny considering the situation I was in.

C: "Will you really not join?"

I gave him a fierce look solidifying my answer.

C: "What a pity. You could have survived that way"

Y/N: "I don't want to survive if it means having to join that deadly troupe."

H: "Those are quite some bold words for someone in your situation."

C: "Well, I've taken their nen so there is no need to keep them around anymore."

Y/N: "What do you mean you took my nen?!"

C: "Take care of them."

U: "This will be fun!"

He readied his position to attack me. As I squeezed my eyes, He took a swing and decapitated my head in one blow. I woke up and yelled.

Y/N: Stop the car, now!"

Leorio put his foot on the brakes and we were pushed forward.

K: "What's wrong?"

Y/N: "Get out the car, quickly!"

Me, Kurapika, and Leorio jumped out the car as a muscular man landed in-front of the car.
24 04,2021
Signs you are a lesbian or bisexual

you have friends that are girls (those are girlfriends aren't they?)

liking manly things. (I mean girls are their father's sperm that's pretty manly)

having sex with someone who isn't a virgin (they have others cooch juices inside of you. think about it when you have sex now because I said so.)

masturbating. (You really like touching c00ch huh?)

wearing glasses. (You tryna see other women??? *adjusts glasses*)

being lesbian or bisexual (why are you gay?)

I can't keep letting you girls get off easy so get exposed
24 06,2021
about question
Y'all ever just wanna bleach your eyes when you go on tiktok and see boys/girls talking about "Remember when we used to compare our coochie sizes and eat out the girl with the biggest cooter?" or "Remember when you and the boys would kiss under the covers and give eachother head?". I just wished we had proper English again
29 01,2021
about question
I've asked my mom to buy some weapons for me to carry around with me. To answer your question, yes it is a real person, yes I can record but if I get caught it's game over, and I'm not sure if I can get security cameras. I'll tell you if this person gets arrested or not.
08 01,2021
I'm on here daily so you should have no problem contacting me. I also have discord if you wanna talk there instead. I'm working on a server right now so I'll link it in another thing when I'm done :)
21 04,2021
19 07,2021
I'm about to get on that trolling bullshit. soon enough you are going to be tired of me but you shall all know my name!!!!! but I ain't doing that shit on my main account I get banned it's over so I'll see y'all on my trolling account.
19 07,2021
why is there so much drama on an illegal site for READING-
Y'all really do be looking for attention.
anyways cancel me please just give some dumbass reason cuz i wanna see how it feels-
10 02,2021
So anyways I was wondering if anyone else feels weird when they say "coming". Don't know what I'm talking about here is an example

Mom: Yo child of mine get down here


see what I mean? That's why I say on my way or heading there now or something else I just avoid it nowadays-
17 07,2021

this is a sorry for earlier so eye cleanser
19 07,2021
For me it's "Isn't pan the same as bi?", "You can't have two sexualities, that's not how it works-"(I'm pan and ace btw), and "Pick a gender."- LIKE LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE I GO BY ALL GENDERS IM PAN AND IM ACE GET OVER IT-

anyways this was just a rant lol don't mind it-
19 04,2021
about lmao
I made some booty juice and coochie juice slime and the shit was bussin bussin. I fed it to my dog one day but he was a pussy so I put him down!!!1!!1!11!!!1111111!!!!! my momma beat my ass saying i killed him or whateva so i fed her the shit. she left me at a foster home. what a bitch. anyways hit me up if you tryna buy some of my shit ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
23 04,2021
Uh yeah I made discord https://discord.gg/6ur85fPs btw but uh for everyone who has already join hi it's me and I NEED NEW MEMBERS WHO KNOW HOW TO WORK A SERVER PLEASE I CAN BARELY ADD BOTS-
15 05,2021
07 08,2023
Let's say, hypothetically, somebody ttied to rizz you up on this site. They're 100% your type, live nearby(or close enough), and they don't mind what you read. The only problem is, you met them on this website. What you doing
07 08,2023