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about cosplay
since y'all admitted to not rating things properly which series has a rating lower than 9 that deserves higher?
31 07,2024
about cosplay
whenever i see toji's fine ass on my screen i want him to pin me down on the mattress with his THICK and MUSCULAR body and do unspeakable things to me

how do you explain that huh??? checkmate!!! gottem!!!
30 07,2024
about cosplay
would you rather read a story where the characters are well written but the plot is ass or vice versa ? and no you can't say both
14 10,2024
about cosplay
1. it has fanservice for both male and female gaze the female characters have big boobs but the male characters are hot and also show off their muscular bodies (i mean grey literally strips every episode) it also has ship tease where the ship in question will have a fanservice moment but it's both characters that are servicing the audience not just one

2. it has both a male and female protag ppl debate whether natsu or lucy is the main protag but it can either or bc there is wrong answer it also has 2 central male characters and 2 central female characters as opposed to the usual 2 central male characters and 1 central female character or all central male characters

3. the female characters are decently written don't get me wrong they're not the best written by a long shot but they're definitely better than most other battle shonen and most of them can fight just as well as the male characters can (erza they can never make me hate you) and have an active role in the plot

yes the overall show is corny w/ it's power of friendship speeches but it treats its female characters better than most battle shonen does and it's borderline hentai at times

thanks for listening to my ted talk
13 08,2024
about cosplay
and the most trashiest stories are ongoing with over 50 chapter I'M GOING To SC REamm

(i'm not tweaking or crashing out at all haha :) )
27 10,2024
about cosplay
i used to be one of those people who would roll their eyes at hardcore anime fans making fun of normies but i kinda get where they're coming from now.

a lot of these normies only care about flashy action/fight scenes which is why shit like solo levelling and demon slayer got popular notice how these series are known for for their "hype" fight scenes and nothing else

they'll also complain about how a story is too slow and the character development is taking too long like duh that's the point? these things aren't supposed to be rushed and take time these ppl just want instant gratification
i've seen comments on here complaining about these things as well

i remember there was a time when op mary sues/gary stus were shamed and now they're popular and not only that are seen as "peak writing"

honestly i think it's combo of many things mainly 1. ppl are developing shorter attention spans and 2. life is very stressful rn and ppl want to turn their brain off

listen i'm not saying every series has to be 4D level chess w/ a deep and profound message but it's not a coincidence that media literacy is falling as these brainless series are getting more popular

and before y'all say the usual take this to reddit and twitter 1) i don't have either of those so you will deal and 2) this is forum where ppl can talk about w/e they want

14 07,2024
about cosplay
every ml is stoic, cold, has mommy/daddy issues, rich and has black hair where is the spice?? the personality?? the originality?? like damn at least give them something that makes them stand out it's like the can i copy your homework meme but it keeps getting worse shout out to ml's who aren't bland boring basic ctrl + v
04 11,2024
male character: *commits mass genocide, is a r@pist, murderer, control freak, psychopath etc.*
y'all: omg look at the widdle babyyyyy awwww so cuteeeeee! uwu
female character: *exists*
y'all: GOD i HATE her so much! she's so goddamn ANNOYING! *cue every misogynistic slur on the planet*
09 05,2024
Demon is slayer is mid and no one would care about it if it weren't for the animation. Nezuko is a whole plot device. What was the point of that dramatic ass scene where the demon slayer cuts himself to draw blood in front of her to see if she would go for it when she was put under a spell to see all humans as friends? That's a whole ass retcon.

Sasuke and Hinata would have been a more popular couple if they had more screen time and her obsession with naruto was toned down.

There needs to be a genre of animated hentai for the female gaze because I'm sick of these ugly bastard mofos.

Misaki from Maid sama is annoying and loud af usui is a creep.

Sasuke had every right to murk the leaf village. #fucktheleaf
13 08,2023
your lips are made from the same skin as your asshole so when you kiss someone on the lips you're kissing their asshole
06 05,2024
i have come to the conclusion that i am sexually attracted to hot monsters and supernatural beings (vampires, tentacles monsters, demons, elves, shapeshifters, aliens etc) but since they don't exist, i will never fufill my sexuality press like if you cried
05 05,2024
about cosplay
for example you saw a fanart or edit of them and thought who dis?
11 10,2024