pronouns and genders are concepts that are made up so what's the harm in making even more shits up, whether u find it stupid or not I shall just not conceive u then LMAO 2 reply
Bisexual is basically 'sexually attracted to more than one gender', so long as you're attracted to more than one gender you can identify as bisexual- it doesn't necessarily has to be the opposite sex (attracted to fem and enby + in between but not others, etc.,)! also the way you worded it sounds really biphobic 1 reply
Procrastinating perfectionist, I'll have a vision for a project and it'll be perfect if I actually put in the work but I never did and disappoint myself in the process, I'm working of managing this habit of mine tho! reply
Personally, very uncomfortable! I, myself identifies as a man but is still equally comfortable with people using generally feminine titles, so I get it! At the same time, I haven't seen enough BL-ABO omega being called dad/father/papa/etc., just yet (or at all, my memory is hazy). It also lowkey reminds me of how much heteronormative society is, ga...... reply
I play very casually without paying much mind to the combat system so I'm having a jolly ol' time! Everything is just new and exciting! The story is VERY good, the cut scenes are hyped AF and the characters depts just get better and better reply
Nah~ hate is too strong of a word! I rely on my gut feelings if it were in some certain situations ; eg., meeting strangers by myself, having to accompany strangers by myself, etc., Aside from those selective situations, I've never hated anyone without knowing who/what they are first reply
NijiSanji is a hot mess rn, the management that is, especially for En branch (and their former oversea branches). In an alternative universe, they all left and formed a group all on their own (wishful delusion, don't come for me). 2 reply
No lie, these twothey quite literally brought me out of my depressive slump, their story was so impactful to me that I actually am trying to do stuffs now 2 reply
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND HAPPY (EARLY) HOLIDAYS, wishing you happier times to come and the strength to overcome hardships and meaningful connections to form and stay in your life. Friendships to shoulder each other and experiences to treasure. reply
I was 11, and it was a random Xanxus x Squalo slideshow doujinshi with Phantom of the Opera in the background [ ] — got me into both KHR! (can't believe I actually still remembered all the numbered ship names) and the world of doujinshi and ships in general. I still have that video downloaded on my o...... reply
Overall Life: 5
Looks/Attractiveness: 5?
Happiness: 5
Rediscovering my hobbies after gathering my shits 2gether for uni. Not doing terrible but not great either, still in desperate need of therapy but hey, we'll get there (probably).
I was never conscious of my looks before this year so idk I think I'm fine? I like how I look, just need a make ov...... reply
Beelzebub is great and there's homoerotic tensions everywhere that only a shonen highschool show could have and the troupe of someone letting their hair down and becoming beautiful was on a dude and fuck with it
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle has my first ever ship, Kurogane and Fai, before I even know what shipping is, and before I even learn anyt...... 2 reply
Best case scenario here is to ditch them. I'm in the same boat, in a sense that most of the self-proclaimed 'fujoshi' in my country is the same way. I have to always be wary whenever anyone says they love BL just because the majority aren't kind nor accepting of us queers if they ever truly met anyone that don't fit into those tight little boxes of...... reply
Feel free to add, casual player so I'm not around 24/7 nor everyday but I always welcome players wanting to take resources from my world too! But I'm terrible at combat (i just go awooga and monke may thru spam clicking E and right clicks) and I haven't opened the Chasm Underground or Enkonomia (nor the Jade Chamber, anything that need completion o...... reply