Sen's answer page 3 (175)

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Don't date people on sketchy websites, or any website at all. ESPECIALLY KIDS istg this is the same website where people read shota, rape, and other problematic things AND like it. Pls don't   reply
15 02,2024
about question
A tall older dominant woman can say she likes me and I'll move in with her right that second, I don't care if the relationship will wreck me. I'd do anything for a woman   1 reply
03 02,2024
Yeah but I keep getting ghosted so maybe relationship aren't for me lmao it's ok tho I have him   1 reply
21 02,2021
about cosplay
Shout out to the ppl who watched Derry girls, She was the funniest mf on that show   4 reply
12 07,2024
about question
Some are good, most are bad   reply
27 02,2021
about question
10 03,2021
I want to be a rock :(   reply
10 03,2021
about question
Shitty ML, Boring and repetitive, Absolutely no fucking plot, No character development just running in circles. Some BJ Alex bullshit ngl WHERE IS THE PLOT FOR THE LOVE OF FUCKING GOD STOP GOING AT IT AND EXPLAIN THE ACTUAL AND INTERESTING PLOT   2 reply
15 01,2024
about question
10 08,2024
Empathy isn't a trend on tiktok yet, we gotta wait for them lol. Currently the trend is hiding racism and misogyny through 'jokes', like at this point just call me a slur   2 reply
10 08,2024
05 03,2021
Read what you want bro, nobody should give a fuck on what you read lmao it sounded too mean so I edited it I'm sorry OP VDHDBHDHD   1 reply
05 03,2021
about question
I'll fr miss seeing this comment, it used to make me giggle everytime   1 reply
24 07,2023
about question
Furries aren't THAT bad, it's kinda weird to me why some people just clump them up all together I mean yeah some of them are weird but so are anime fans, kpop fans, football fans, BL fans, basketball fans etc, There's gotta be at least one weirdo in the fandom if not is it really a fandom? LMAO ALSO commenting "I read too much BL" on tiktok vids......   1 reply
21 02,2021
about question
If talking to her doesn't work then I'm sorry girlie, you just gotta accept that boy crazy people are not the best type of friends out there. I say distance yourself to see if she'll change but if not then better just choose yourself and hangout with people who actually wants to hangout with YOU, ykwim. The way she constantly leaves you alone for ......   reply
03 08,2024
That you're still a "real kpop fan" even if you just show up at comebacks. People just have lives outside the groups they stan, or kpop in general. Such a shame that others used to be shamed for only being active when their groups have comebacks   reply
28 01,2024
Fucking while the other was doing dishes is so gross like they're gonna touch their partner after touching that nasty ass sink Also   3 reply
26 02,2021
07 01,2024
God pls show mercy and update these already, why is it always the bad ones that gets an update PLS HEAR MY PRAYERS   reply
07 01,2024
This is more towards the kids than the op. But the harsh reality is Pedos can be anyone, sure some can be stereotypical and can easily be spotted. But some are also nice, socially aware, easy to talk to, makes you feel like you matter, and that's how they pull you in, how they groom, gaslight, isolate, and manipulate you into thinking that what th......   3 reply
24 02,2024
The voices in my head humble me everytime   1 reply
22 01,2024
about question
29 08,2024
Korean men are getting nastier day by day, I'm on twitter and a lot of women are speaking up about their experience with men. Yes it includes their brothers and dads too (if we can even call them that) Whoever that is I hope they're getting the necessary help they need, and I hope that they know that women all around the world are always here to ......   1 reply
29 08,2024