mangotea's answer page 9 (2010)

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i have it hurt like a bitch   1 reply
31 05,2021
20 06,2021
im depressed   3 reply
20 06,2021
about question
yeah but i know im too much of a pussy to actually do it   reply
17 05,2021
i'd be more dead then this bitch   reply
30 05,2021
when i had to do extended writing for 2 whole weeks   reply
15 05,2021
get out if your going to talk about school i cant deal with that shit now   1 reply
16 09,2020
about question
22 06,2021
goggggggy gonna go reda a faswnfiction about ipad x windows   reply
22 06,2021
about question
purple dildo please control yourself   1 reply
08 05,2021
about question
Yes. This generation will not make me forget how many people were trying to get CRIMINALS out of jail because they were attractive And when people starting sympathising with Jeffrey Dahmer because the actor who played him was hot.   6 reply
04 04,2024
05 06,2021
step on them   reply
05 06,2021
i wouldn't give up my life for anyone even if they were my soulmate   reply
30 05,2021
about question
i hate hisoka simps , bakudeku shipper and ereri shippers   1 reply
09 04,2021
about crying
06 05,2021
wait your lesbain because of seeing a dick   reply
06 05,2021
about question
shit i was 11 dude i didnt even know my 12 times tables   reply
05 06,2021
um this is on myreading manga there was this manga about two boy twins who go out to adventure and then this black figure pops out of knowhere and fucks them making them pregnant and when the younger twin gave birth the older one fucked him while he was giving birth so in short incest mpreg and rape   7 reply
14 10,2020
both of course because i feel as if my lesbian self is connecting to my genre   reply
30 12,2020
istg I wanna pick the male gender for once in my life but they always look basic as hell and if they don't the female character is hated *cough* genshin*cough*so I feel obligated to pick them.   reply
16 08,2024