She's not with him tonight
She's not with Jim tonight
She's in the gym tonight
Work out in that pussy AYY
I'm getting ripped tonight
RIP that pussy AYY
I hate it when the main character just got SA or almost got SA and the seme proceeds to fuck them through the trauma when he saves them or has the audacity to get mad at them for letting someone else touch them.. 3 reply
While I do believe, to some extent, that white people COULD experience racism, it's not on a serious level to the extent that they are killed/hunted/tortured/enslaved/etc (all the terrible things that were done to POC) henceforth, I don't really think white people get seriously discriminated against just bc of their race. And I hope ya'll aren't in...... reply
At this point, I am convinced she was groomed bruh bc sis rlly jumped from a 6-year gap to a 10-year gap. This is very concerning regardless of the fact that ppl are saying that she is a whole ass adult now so she should know better. Then again this could either a publicity stunt for attention or she really was groomed bc smth is super fishy bout t...... 1 reply
As a kpop stan, I acknowledge that some of us are toxic but it's mainly the newbies tho (from what I've seen), you rarely find veteran kpop stans harassing ppl bc they said smth "offensive" about their idol. It's annoying frl but y did you call the idol an idiot man tho? reply