Time to expose myself for the suicidal piece of shit that I am
Major Depression: High
Dysthymia: High
Bipolar Disorder: High
Cyclothymia: High
Seasonal Affective Disorder: High
Postpartum Depression: N/A 1 reply
I was kinda happy because I finally got in a relationship w my crush but now they're depressed and it makes me sad because I don't like seeing them like that...
As someone who is nb too and assigned female at birth, I relate with you. I prefer being flat-chested and referred to as a man. It's completely normal to feel this way and you don't have to be transgender to wear a binder. So go for it and wear it proudly. reply
Don't learn too many formal phrases in French, keep it casual. Back when I was learning French, my teacher who used to live in France told me that they hardly used formal and usually kept it casual. She used to teach me slang, curse words, informal sentences, etc. Don't worry too much and enjoy your self-study. reply