railmedaddy's answer page 1 (356)

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My Mom was homophobic, my Dad was homophobic and then they had me; a Gay.   8 reply
30 06,2021
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WHAT DID HE SAYYY???   1 reply
31 01,2021
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When they can kill a cockroach-   2 reply
20 06,2021
10 07,2021
what?   reply
10 07,2021
Yeah...accident..   reply
29 06,2021
Straight Tiktok. I'd rather be Eiffel towered by prickly asf cactuses than witness that torture.   reply
30 11,2020
let's be honest guys, we've seen worse....this is sorta softcore compared to others..   1 reply
03 05,2021
01 07,2021
Straight omega what?   reply
01 07,2021
Rail me against the bathroom wall? AAAAAAH It was a question.....for research purposes..   reply
30 01,2021
I hate you.   reply
20 06,2021
Ever heard the saying "No one plans a murder out loud" ?   2 reply
03 05,2021
Killing me Softly bc I'm edgy..   reply
12 01,2021
To whoever wrote that #7 "uNpOPuLaR oPinIoN", If clothes are the problem then why do men get raped too? Why do women who cover themselves or dress conservatively get raped too? Why do children, babies in literal diapers, get raped too? I'm pretty sure you get what I'm saying right? Clothes are NEVER the reason, the person who did it was.   reply
12 05,2021
Once you Mangago you can't Mangastop   3 reply
12 05,2021
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Nah, I think I'm gonna continue running my mouth at the speed of a beyblade.   1 reply
15 06,2021
why do ppl (in general) feel the need to pick on Gen Z? It's a genuine thing that baffles me..   1 reply
04 05,2021
02 07,2021
your explanation of your attraction to men do be sounding problematic, ngl.   reply
02 07,2021
25 06,2021
The "i'M nOT lIKe OthER gIRLs" phase   1 reply
25 06,2021
31 01,2021
about question
"Consent is sexy". Like no it's the bare minimum. It's everything that should be expected in a relationship.   2 reply
29 06,2021