Mossad's question (11)

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★ Here's how you make a portable lock using a fork ☞☞☞

The video is in Portuguese but is short and pretty easy to understand. The lock is also very easy to make and works wonders. Just a little advice: the best fork is a strong but flexible one, so it won't break when you bend their teeth. But any fork will do really.
Idk I'm so happy I just felt like sharing it ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
19 12,2020
about question
Tell me what's the weirdest, most absurd, surreal or hilarious yaoi manga you've ever seen. I want to kill my last braincells with style
08 07,2021
What do you think about the uke being older than the seme? Any yaoi of that kind to recommend me?
30 12,2016
I'm Brazilian! (●´∀`)ノ♡
30 12,2016
Do you consider yourself more on the conservative or on the liberal side? And where are you from?
Just researchin' PLEASE DON'T FIGHT
23 11,2020
Do you write in cursive or block letters?

I see a lot of Americans complaining about how they can't read cursive and no one uses it anymore, and I just can't relate, because in my country most people write in cursive and writing with block letters is pretty unusual. So I just wanted to know, which type of handwriting is predominant in your country, cursive or block? And which one do you use?
13 11,2020
For life. Divorce is NOT an option ~ (๑•﹏•)
28 11,2020
As a fujoshi, in my perfect world the population would be 90% male and even the females would actually be transvestites. A world like that wouldn't last half a century, but it would be worthy! \( ̄▽ ̄;)/ Anyway, describe your personal paradise here!
21 09,2017
01 12,2020
Apparently your favorite color says something about your personality. What is your favorite color and do you fit the description?
01 12,2020
13 06,2021
Give me book recommendations. It can be anything but if it's old (before 21st century) it's even better! No angst please, I'm a coward (;^ω^)
13 06,2021
So I have an idea. If you see some cringe and pervy questions on this website, just don't reply it and ignore it completely. So people will finally stop doing this for attention.
11 11,2020