akera's answer (10)

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about question
yeah it's definitely abusive. Punishing one's child is fine and even encouraged to discipline them especially when they are young but beating, bleeding, and threatening to cut your hair....big yikes. If your father isn't in your life or if he is as abusive, I'm sorry to say but your best chance will be when you're 18 and can move out especially if ......   reply
06 01,2024
there are exactly 0 people in the world who know that I love yaoi and I have been into this genre for over 15 years. I will take it with me to the grave   reply
05 01,2024
No this is not normal at all. It doesn't even matter how hard he punches you. As long as you're uncomfortable with it, your parents should put an end to it even if it's your brother's way of showing love and he is used to doing that with his friends... The sexual harassment thing is much worse...I can see people saying you're overreacting when you ......   reply
07 08,2020
akera 31 05,2019
To avoid being politically incorrect, I will avoid using terms like "slut" or "hoe" throughout my response. So here it goes: Personally, I think it is not right to "make yourself available to multiple people at the same time". So hear me out, let's not involve religion, tradition, morals or any of that stuff, I'm just talking as a human being. If ......   1 reply
31 05,2019
I think there is no such thing as "too old to read yaoi" the same way adult content says "+18" and not "18-30". Once you're mature enough for explicit yaoi, you never go back. For the youngest age, I'd say it depends on the type of yaoi but generally, I'd say around 15-16 is okay but kids these days start watching porn at the age of 10 so .... Per......   2 reply
20 12,2019
about question
nope. I was reading manga since I was a child then I got into wattpad as a teen (never stopped reading mnaga, manhua, and manhwa) and then I just got over wattpad and kept my other hobbies. I have nothing against wattpad but it doesn't seem to grow with its audience...I went back a couple of years ago out of nostalgia and I thought I'd see more mat......   reply
07 01,2024
1- Referring to a uke's asshole as "pussy" or even worse "man pussy". 2- People who are borderline cheating but dare to get jealous when their partner does something more innocent 3- Clingy characters who know the other person is a player and sometimes even accept to have a fling with them but act butthurt later 4- Characters who forgive cheater......   1 reply
07 06,2020
I was really born in 1993 so it checks out   reply
22 02,2021
Personally, I don't think fetishes in general are a source of shame but sometimes when they're harmful, I just can't stomach them. I don't mean like wips and erotic piercings and stuff no...some people have fetishes that land them in the hospital (like sticking fruits and stuff up there) and I think it's stupid...not shameful per say but I can't st......   reply
17 07,2019
It's a mixture of many reasons for me: - I have never been in love in my entire 25 years of existence so evidently, I have not met the right person - If I meet the one, I don't know if my conservative side would win over and keep me from losing my virginity or not - I am not sexually frustrated and I do not feel anything lacking in my life. I'm ......   2 reply
29 04,2019