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oko 04 04,2021
I’m not black so I don’t want to speak over black people’s voices but what do y’all think about digital blackface, I see this often in mangago and I feel uncomfortable towards it
Here are websites that sum up what digital black face is and why it’s problematic:



04 04,2021
oko 08 03,2021
answer with profile pictures that match and see if someone wants to match with u in the replies

cause it’s fun to match okee (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
08 03,2021
oko 04 12,2020
i remember someone doing this a long time ago but their question got deleted so-
all you have to do is continue a sentence from the last person that commented creating a story from all of the comments

person1: "They were having a fun time until their mom appeared and said-

person2: "wut tf is this" as she pointed at-

then the next person continues the sentence and so on !!

the first person to comment begins the story :))
write whatever tf you feel like writt
04 12,2020