oko's question page 1 (23)

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oko 10 12,2020
Be funny, i wanna see what the mangago clowns got to offer >:[]
10 12,2020
oko 11 03,2021
shamelessly plug any social media you would like more followers in :>
you can even ask people to follow your account here in mangago ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
11 03,2021
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waiting for December 21 for them aliens
10 12,2020
about question
seriously i can't find it anywhere besides clips of it in prnhub
06 12,2020
Write anything you can imagine in the answers, no matter how cursed, and let’s see if someone decides to draw it, anyone can draw !
Thought this would be a fun idea
26 02,2021
about question
oko 17 12,2020


17 12,2020
about question
oko 08 12,2020
plEASEE send beautiful/ cute/ hot boys and girls i wanna get some pics to download on my phone to drown away the icky yucky school work pics

any charzcazter plsz mostly fictional tbh don't relly like looking at irl ppl
08 12,2020
about question
idk how everyone feels but i really feel like my brain cells are just leaving my brain, i am probably achieving peak brain cell loss and have said some of the stupidest shit irl and im happy at least it stays home with nobody but my family to witness

anyone losing brain cells and bing dum yknow?

ive always been dum but now i just feel so out of it *__*
06 12,2020
oko 16 03,2021
Do y’all know this yaoi: http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/fucked_by_my_best_friend/
16 03,2021
about question
oko 08 12,2020
so my sister was doing some research on homosexuality and shit to try to prove to our parents being lgbtq+ isn't a choice but something you're born with and apparently from the articles she read scientist are trying to find out if being homosexual or trans is a genetic thing or some shit and how it can be passed down

lmao i have the gay genes ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
08 12,2020
about question
oko 08 12,2020
I am so hungry i-i c-could eat an entire horse- so hungry i c-coulds e-at,,,cons-sume


empire state building located in new york colorado next to mount fuji i yes

*"anything else ma'am?"*

I'll take that order with a side of fries and oreo milkshake

*person that works in place thingy* "would that be all ma'am?"


"Ok come and pick your order up at---beerRpp"

Who killed the person!?

c-couldve this possibly be the mafia!? No way I heard they disbanded long ago... Unless...

whoever murdered them j will find you and i will avenge them!

*stay dun dun dun as i am dying brian kags*

how will this journey turn out!? :00

No i will not give you some of what I am smoking
08 12,2020
about question
They say gays are stinky and that makes me rlly mad grrr >:(
10 12,2020
about question
oko 23 01,2021
after years of reading GL and BL anytime i try to read a strictly het romance/sexual story it just feels kind of uncomfortable, like most of the time i just want to click off and read some yuri or yaoi instead jskaglh

this was not the case a few years ago tho since i used to be such a huge shoujo romance fan, like whAt happened aAAAhh

there's some exceptions but this is the case for most het romance T-T
23 01,2021
about question
Wouldn't a lot of problems be solved if people weren't horny all the time? Like pdophelia or sexual assault? World population problems as well?
10 12,2020
I was looking at some threads and it’s kind of funny how these users are “beefing” they pull up screenshots like “In your answer to the question you typed out the slur word “f*gg*t” or “r*t*rd” and this means you’re an abilist or homophobic b*tch just because you typed those slurs once. You deleted that answer but the second I saw it I knew I had to take screenshots to have proof that you’re an ass instead of calling you out right then and there” and they’re trying to cancel them like having 50+ people following them in a random pirating site holds the same weight as an influencer CDCSHJKSDCKNJS
like y’all should chill, did u guys never get your dose of middle school drama and have to do everything publicly or something ?? o well free entertainment
12 02,2021
i wlw but i dont really like how wordy lesbian is so i call myself gay instead since it sounds neater like prim but i wanna know if this in any way might be offensive :0
08 02,2021
about question
Will you tell a story or let the images speak for themselves?
12 03,2021
about question
recently in some questions i've seen people or users that use this site often complain about the questions being dry, toxic, problematic or plain out just not fun to answer anymore. I'm going to be honest as to why I think this is and why it probably mainly has to do with mangago controversy regarding problems in yaoi and het woman fetshizing mlm. I don't know if some of you have been here for a while but since not long ago i've seen these kind of topics arise with some users preaching about them respectfully; in all honestly it's awesome that people are pointing out these problematic behaviors but i think this is the main reason as to why the fun or ridiculous questions are no longer here. Mangago has become from a safe place for some people to write about the stupidest, disgusting, ridiculous shit they would never let out of the drafts otherwise to a community that feels difficult to say anything you have in mind because someone might point out the wrong or problematic in your question and ultimately not be a fun time at all. Not only that but the mangago format i believe makes users feel like they have to keep up a character or reputation to get upvotes or followers with their comments or "personality". Essentially it's slowly becoming like twitter and losing the charm mangago had when it was chaos and there were problematic bitches left and right. This is one of the main reasons i believe questions like "picture 25 is your fckbuddy" have become popular and the most answered since it's very bland, not problematic at all by nature, sometimes even leads to interesting outcomes. I think mangago no longer feels like the safe space for a lot of users who have left or don't bother making questions anymore. coming to mangago feels almost the same as any other social media instead of anonn people who like the same shit as you do and don't care what you post about. it was a fun little community with many problems of course but those people were chased away with logic and facts; people bringing to light the truth which many probably didn't want to hear about or cared to do so.

do i think this is a bad thing? no, not really it kinda sucks tho since i can't get chuckles out of the same old ridiculous questions

what does this even mean? idk i just wanted to put this out there bc some fun people have been leaving and i wanted to think of as to why '3'

this is all just an opinion but if you want you can come at me lmao


questions r no longer fun or interesting because problematic hoes have been pressured silenced from all the preaching and facts that make mangago a less lose format and harder to say the crackhead shit in your mind
06 12,2020